How to Make a Mold of a Human Face
- 1). Thoroughly clean your face with a mild soap. Remove all makeup, pull back your hair and remove jewelery. Cover your entire face with Vaseline.
- 2). Cover your work surface with a drop cloth or newspaper.
- 3). Pour one pound of alginate powder into a bucket.
- 4). Insert a drinking straw into the nose of the face model.
- 5). Mix water into the alginate powder as directed on the packaging. The mixture will be slightly thicker than cake batter when it is ready.
- 6). Have the face model close their eyes and mouth and begin to apply the mixture to the face. Start with the eyes and nose and then move on to the rest of the face, carefully building a thin layer across the entire area.
- 7). Allow the mold to set. This usually takes only a minute or two.
- 8). Unroll plaster bandages and cut to size. Put them in a bowl of warm water for a few seconds. Apply wet bandages to the outside of the mask, creating two or three layers of bandages. Allow to dry another five to ten minutes until the bandages start to get hard.
- 9). Gently remove the mask from the model's face. Allow the mask to sit for a few more minutes to dry.
- 10
Mix plaster of Paris with water as directed on packaging. - 11
Pour plaster into the face mold. Gently tap the mold to remove all air bubbles. Allow the mold to set up for at least 24 hours. - 12
Remove the face cast from the mold and paint or decorate it as desired.