Time and Money Aren"t Stopping You
Too often we use the excuse of not having enough time or money, as a reason for not even trying to do something.
It is just an excuse though.
We are hiding behind it because there is another reason for not committing to our professed goal.
If we want to move forwards we have to discover the real reason.
Perhaps we are afraid of success.
Perhaps we are unwilling to take the risks or maybe we don't truly want to accomplish that goal anyway.
Stop hiding behind the excuse of not having enough time or money.
Deal with the true reason for your lack of success.
Once you have dealt with the fear or expanded your comfort zone to accept the risks, maybe you'll find you can achieve that goal after all.
Or maybe you will discover a different goal that you really do want to commit to.
Coaching When you value something you somehow find the time and the money to do it.
It is what we value that decides our priorities in life not time or money.
If we value a particular dream we will make it happen.
Time and money are just used as excuses to hide the real reasons stopping us going after our dream.
We use them to avoid hurting other people's feelings, to avoid commitment, to avoid risk.
Be honest with yourself and others.
Stop using the time and money excuse.
Decide what you really do want to commit to and go for it.
Coaching Question Is the time and money excuse a get-out clause for you? Daily Action Are you using time or money as an excuse? Look for the real reasons you are avoiding pursuing that dream.
Stop using the excuse and be honest with yourself.
Clear the way for you to pursue something that you really do want to do.
Quotes "You are what your deep, driving desire is.
As your desire is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny.
" From the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
It is just an excuse though.
We are hiding behind it because there is another reason for not committing to our professed goal.
If we want to move forwards we have to discover the real reason.
Perhaps we are afraid of success.
Perhaps we are unwilling to take the risks or maybe we don't truly want to accomplish that goal anyway.
Stop hiding behind the excuse of not having enough time or money.
Deal with the true reason for your lack of success.
Once you have dealt with the fear or expanded your comfort zone to accept the risks, maybe you'll find you can achieve that goal after all.
Or maybe you will discover a different goal that you really do want to commit to.
Coaching When you value something you somehow find the time and the money to do it.
It is what we value that decides our priorities in life not time or money.
If we value a particular dream we will make it happen.
Time and money are just used as excuses to hide the real reasons stopping us going after our dream.
We use them to avoid hurting other people's feelings, to avoid commitment, to avoid risk.
Be honest with yourself and others.
Stop using the time and money excuse.
Decide what you really do want to commit to and go for it.
Coaching Question Is the time and money excuse a get-out clause for you? Daily Action Are you using time or money as an excuse? Look for the real reasons you are avoiding pursuing that dream.
Stop using the excuse and be honest with yourself.
Clear the way for you to pursue something that you really do want to do.
Quotes "You are what your deep, driving desire is.
As your desire is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny.
" From the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad