4 Questions Every EFT Practitioner Should Ask If You"re Not Making Money With Affiliate Sales
Remember, affiliate marketing is about sharing the message, the better you are at sharing the message--the more people you share the message with, the more compelling your recommendation--the more money you'll make.
So consider these questions and get back on track to earning money with affiliate marketing.
Do You Have Visitors? Do you have a tracking program set up for your website?It's essential for any website to know how many visitors come to the site, how they got there, and what they do while visiting.
You can sign up for free tracking through programs like statcounter.
com or googleanalytics.
Then it's a matter of copy and pasting some coding onto each page of your site, and you're done.
If you haven't gotten the results you expected from your affiliate links, that's the first thing to do.
Then it'll be obvious if the reason you haven't made any sales is because you've barely had any visitors to your site.
Can Your Visitors Find/Read/Believe The Links? Is it easy for your visitors to find the affiliate links on your site or are they hidden or isolated on only one page?You can use your Statcounter or Google Analytics to see which pages their visiting.
It's great to have a "resources" page with lists of links, but some of your best sales might come from links embedded in the rest of your website.
For example, in the "about me" section you might explain how you utilize TappyBear in an EFT section and offer a link to Tappybear.
This would be much more effective than a link lost among a long list of other links.
It also presents a much more convincing recommendation for TappyBear.
While you're reviewing the placement of your links, make sure they're visible and readable.
Are any of the images not loading?Do you have typos?Does the color of the font contrast sufficiently with the background color?Do you have so much text on the page that people are likely to skim it and leave?If you know you have visitors to your site, the problem might be that they are not paying attention to the links.
Do Your Visitors Care? If your visitors come to your site for a particular problem, say weight loss, and you have links for stop-smoking phrases, that may be part of the problem.
Make sure that the products your promoting are interesting and relevant to the visitors.
Most of all, make sure you tell them why they are interesting and relevant.
You might know that everyone can benefit from TappyBear, but they might think it's only for kids.
Be sure to explain why they should want and need to have a TappyBear.
Does Your Tracking Work? If you know your visitors exist and are interested, log in to your affiliate programs to monitor how many clicks you're getting.
If StatCounter or Google Analytics shows that people are clicking on your links, but your affiliate program isn't counting the clicks, you may need to repair or replace the tracking links on your website.