Columbus, Ohio, Zoo Educator Field Trips
- The Columbus Zoo offers a variety of annual workshops designed for educators. These classes are held at the zoo and help teachers learn about animal behavior, adaptations, conservation and endangered species. The zoo changes class titles and topics regularly. Teachers can expect to learn about the topic itself and how to teach it in the classroom. As of January 2011, the fee is $100 per teacher. Educators may opt for the $172 Ashland University credit choice. This options allows educators to earn college or continuing education credits for the class.
- Occasionally the Columbus Zoo offers Educators Trips to other regions of the world. For example, the summer 2010 Educators Trip brought teachers from across the area to Costa Rica. There educators studied birds, plants and other wildlife in their natural habitat. Professional naturalists and zoo educators accompany and guide teachers on these trips.
- Teachers from preschool to high school can accompany their students on a guided zoo tour. These daily tours are divided into age groups and topic themes, such as "Pre-K Busy Bees" and "Adventure Tours" for first-graders through adults. Field trips are 45 to 60 minutes long, with some themes available only on a seasonal basis. Teachers must schedule tours in advance. Groups of educators may also attend zoo tours without students.
- Educators may register for some field trips and workshops online at the Columbus Zoo website (see Resources). Go to the Learn at the Zoo menu option and click on "Program Registration." Members may sign in, and non-members may register as a guest. Additionally, teachers may call the zoo's education department to register for or inquire about teacher workshops.