Did God Create Aliens Like Us Somewhere Else?

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After writing my science fiction novel, Aliens in Paradise, I began thinking seriously about the possibility of life in a world beyond our own.
I have researched the work already done by NASA, concentrating on their discovery of thousands of earth-like planets within our own galaxy.
Those discoveries are not science fiction.
Thousands of planets like earth do exist.
This fact gives rise to a more credible belief that life might exist elsewhere beyond our own world.
Even with only several thousand planets already documented by NASA, there are millions more they haven't yet seen.
NASA continues to document the existence of several new planets every day, so eventually in years to come, there will be hundreds of thousands of planets documented throughout our galaxy.
Keep in mind that astronomers have already documented the existence of billions of stars in our galaxy.
Many of those stars are presumed to have planets revolving around them.
Current technology only allows NASA to confirm the existence of planets around a few thousand of the closest stars to our own sun.
This does not mean the distant stars don't have planets.
It just means that NASA hasn't yet developed the technology to prove their existence.
Still, astronomers have documented the existence of millions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars and possible planets of their own.
When you add all those galaxies up, there are simply trillions upon trillions of stars in the Universe, each with the possibility of hosting multiple planets.
It is this continuously expanding realm of NASA's discoveries that lead me to believe that at least some of those planets might have intelligent life, and some might have only primitive forms of life.
I have a difficult time believing that of all those trillions of stars and planets in the Universe, earth is the only planet that has life.
It just doesn't make sense.
It's as silly as saying that people only exist in your own neighborhood, even though you have seen pictures of other buildings around the world.
You haven't been to all of those buildings yourself, so you can not confirm anyone is in them because you haven't seen the people who inhabit those buildings.
You are left to believe that since those buildings exist, there must be people in most of them.
It's the same with planets in the Universe.
Certainly, at least some of those planets must host some sort of life form, no matter how primitive that life form may be.
Since these planets are so far away from us and from each other, discovering life on other planets as we know it will take a technology we haven't yet developed.
The sheer distances between those other worlds would make space travel between them all but impossible without a spacecraft that could travel at close to the speed of light.
Our current technology would take over ten thousand years to reach the nearest star system to our sun.
Since the energy to power a light speed spacecraft would consume more energy than is available on the entire earth, humans aren't going to be going to the stars any time soon.
For the same reason, it's likely that no one from the stars has already made it here, either.
But it isn't impossible.
Just unlikely.
When I wrote Aliens in Paradise, I followed many scientific facts and adhered to the laws of physics as we know them.
The fictional part of the story is primarily centered around two subjects.
The first is the ionic rocket propulsion system that allows aliens from a star system twenty light years away to reach earth within a human life span.
Certainly no known rocket engine that powerful exists today, at least on earth.
However, the principle of ionic propulsion does exist, and is currently in use by NASA.
It just doesn't have the capability of pushing a spacecraft to the speed of light.
That might change someday.
And, yes, there really is an earth like planet twenty light years away from earth as depicted in my fictional story.
The second fictional subject is the similarity of the aliens to humans.
In Aliens in Paradise, two aliens come to earth after viewing our TV shows on their own planet.
These aliens look so much like humans that most people believe they are not aliens at all.
The story explains that our Almighty Creator, who many of us refer to as God, also has created life elsewhere in the Universe.
Since the same God created life on multiple worlds, it would stand to reason there would be similarities between aliens and humans.
After all, if God is omnipresent as many religions tell us, then it stands to reason He could have created similar life forms in many places other than earth.
It makes for a great science fiction plot, but it also makes sense in reality as well.
Perhaps someday, scientists looking for life outside our world will discover the radio or TV broadcasts of some other civilization elsewhere in our galaxy.
Getting there, however, will have to wait.
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