Four Signs He"s About to Break Up With You
There are so many nuances that are particular to each person, their experiences, and the relationship itself.
If you haven't been in a lot of relationships in your life, or perhaps, not been broken up with; you may have no idea how to tell that a relationship is coming to a close, and that your boyfriend or husband is thinking seriously of ending the relationship with you.
Though every relationship is different, there are certain actions that people often take when about to break up with someone.
Here are the most common: 1.
Starting Fights: Notice that your husband or boyfriend seems to be starting disagreements or fights with you seemingly out of nowhere? This could mean that they are ready to call it quits.
Often, men or women looking to end a relationship will start fights with their spouse to get them to break up with them, or simply, in the short term, allow them time away from the other.
Less Communication: If you do not live with your spouse or loved one, and they are calling less or not at all-be prepared for a possible break up, as he is less interested.
If you live with your spouse, there will just be less communication altogether at home than before.
Moreover, if you notice that they are avoiding any kind of communication by going to bed early or changing their schedule to avoid communication-a breakup could be pending.
Criticizing: Another common action of someone who is about to breakup with you is that they criticize you for seemingly everything.
A loved one might have always had some criticism of you, but if you notice that they seem to be criticizing you for even the smallest thing these days out of nowhere-this could easily be a sign that he is ready to break up with you.
General Talk: Lastly, many couples who are about to end things will start talking in a more general way than before.
So, if your spouse used to speak about marriage, children, or growing old together; and now, they do not respond to this kind of forever together talk, be prepared for an imminent breakup.