Top Reasons Why Men Cheat! You Had Better Know These Reasons of Why Men Cheat
This can be very surprising to most women and some won't even believe it, but studies have shown that approximately only 10% of cheating husbands see the person they are cheating with in any way better than their partners. Most will admit that they are looking for someone to make them feel competent, understood, desired and attractive. Ultimately, they are trying to fill a void that has appeared in their relationship.
This being the case, we can assume that low self-esteem can lead to more consequences than we thought possible. Men, just like women, need to feel they are valuable and needed. In the stressful life we lead these days, it is difficult to coordinate work, kids and spouses. We tend to neglect our feelings and create time for everything else. What we fail to understand is that without a healthy relationship, everything else will eventually fall apart. Trying to fix the damage after it is done is a lot harder and sometimes just not possible.
Lack of communication can also be a big factor. Couples tend to communicate less as their relationship matures. We also become less observant when it comes to our partner's feelings and needs. For a relationship to be successful, partners need to keep a good level of communication that will allow them to express themselves when something is wrong. They also need to develop good listening skills so they can understand what is being said without reading too much into it.
There are many reasons why men cheat but it is important to understand what is really behind their actions. Cheating can be the consequence to something that has changed or is missing in a relationship. Before we try to seek answers for infidelity we should really be trying to reinforce an existing relationship by paying attention to our partner's needs. We might be able to avoid some unnecessary pain and trouble.
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