Mom's One Line a Day Review
To properly look at this little gem of a book, you have to realize all that is wrong with a traditional baby book. It's lengthy, with lots of lines that you feel compelled to fill out. It's got spaces that wind up blank because they just aren't that applicable to your life or your baby's life. Mom's One Line a Day has just what it says, the space to write one line per day for five years each day - nothing more.
The Journal
Perhaps you've been a journal writer in a previous life. Well, welcome to motherhood. Life is a little bit more hectic here. And that frantic pace only picks up with the more kids you have. Why do you think that everyone jokes about the third baby not having a baby book or journal? Because moms honestly don't have the time. This book solves that with no wasted space, just a few lines spread over a small book - fice spots on each calendar day, one for each of five years.
The Book Itself
Why they felt the need to make the cover pink, I'll never know. Babies do come in pink and blue and some prefer other colors in their nursery any way. They do offer a similar book that is a general book, but nearly identical on the inside with varying colors for the cover. The cover is slightly poofy giving Mom's One Line a Day a soft feel in your hand. It's smaller than a regular book and would slip easily into your purse or back pack. I keep mine by the night stand so that I can write when I get up or lay down.