Make Him Miss You Like Crazy - Use Male Psychology To Show Him He Can't Live Without You
Use male psychology to show him he cannot live without you. This is not anything mysterious or hard to understand. Male psychology is just understanding the way men are and using it to make them do what you want. You also need to do the opposite of what he thinks you are going to do. For instance, when he broke up with you, your ex expected you to chase him crying and begging for him to change his mind. But if you ignore him and act as if you do not care, he will be the one confused.
Men try to portray themselves as big strong macho guys, when actually they are still small boys. That is why they act the way they do. Watch a bunch of them together at a bar or watching sports. You would not know they were supposed to be adults. They yell, argue and act like kids. That is men, showing what they are inside. No matter how old they seem on the outside, at their inner core is a small boy. If you always keep that in mind, you will never have trouble handling a man.
If you want to get your guy back fast, treat him like what he really is - a small boy. When a small boy acts naughty, you send him to his room and tell him he can come out when he learns to behave. You need to treat your ex the same way. If you do not try to get him back, he will wonder if you still love him. Go out with your friends and have a good time. When he hears about it, he will remember all of the good times he had with you. Then he will start to miss you like crazy and decide that he had better shape up.
If you had chased him crying and begging, he would have acted worse toward you. He would have refused to talk to you and the more you pleaded the worse he would get. But, by showing him you do not care and move on with your life, he will feel that you are slipping away from him and that will make miss you like crazy and he will realize that he cannot live without you.