10 Tips On the Quickest Way to Lose Weight
Before you continue on your quest to find the quickest way to lose weight, read this: It would be impossible for me to calculate the number of hours I have invested in losing weight over the years.
I have been so successful in taking weight off in a hurry that I have actually won several sizable jackpot prizes in various competitions.
So I guess in that regard I am something of an expert in the quickest way to lose weight.
In fact, I estimate that I have lost over 500 pounds in my lifetime.
But before you think I'm bragging I have also gained over 500 pounds.
Twice I've lost 75 pounds.
But it came back.
Many times I have lost 30 to 40 pounds with the same result.
I have two photo albums that span 40 years.
One is called "before" and the other...
Well, you get the picture.
Happily, I eventually figured this weight loss thing out.
My weight problem is finally under control.
That said, I think I am qualified to declare with all confidence that looking for the quickest way to lose weight is a recipe for disaster.
I suppose if you really want to do the quick weight loss thing then you better do it in your younger years.
That's when your body can endure the most abuse.
That's right.
" They don't call them "crash diets" for nothing.
Such dieting is hazardous to your health.
Vanity, the desire to be noticed, and accepted motivate us to take chances with our health.
Most likely we don't see these quick diet episodes as being dangerous.
All that instruction from health class and mom is good for head knowledge but we weren't willing to buy into it.
In other words, most of us know better, but we go for the quick fix anyway.
Good nutrition, disciplined exercise, and healthy living are the right way to lose weight.
It pays the greatest return on investment.
That return means health and wellness for now and later in life when the body enters its battle with aging.
What you do now will greatly improve the quality of your life for tomorrow.
Rather than looking for "diets for fast weight loss" it is better to focus on "diets for HEALTHY weight loss.
" Sorry to disappoint you.
To buy into this thinking you will have to give up your cabbage diet, lemonade fast, grapefruit diet, and banana diet.
You will also have to throw away the diet pills.
The good news there are some things that you can do to hasten your weight loss progress without compromising your health.
Following are 10 tips on a balanced approach to quick weight loss: 1.
Accept the fact that you must change your lifestyle.
Spread your meals throughout the day.
Take five small meals, with small food portions, instead of three big meals.
Consume your last meal at least two hours before going to bed so that the body has time to digest the food.
Start an aerobic program that involves getting your heart rate up at least 3 times per week for 30 minutes each.
Cut out white stuff from your diet.
Stay away from white flour, rice, sugar, and potatoes.
The exception would be an occasional potato baked or boiled with the skin.
Stay away from fried foods and fat.
Limit your quantities of red meat to no more than 5 ounces 3 times per week.
Go organic and eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible.
Shoot for a goal of 50% raw.
Get rid of all diet sodas.
That includes diet drinks as well as sugar laden drinks.
Get plenty of rest...
at least 8 hours per night.
You will actually speed up your weight loss by sleeping in a cool environment.
These are just a few things that you can do for healthy weight loss.
Just cutting out white stuff and diet beverages from my health enabled me to lose over 40 pounds and keep it off.
More importantly my health has improved considerably.
If I had only known back then what I know now.
I have been so successful in taking weight off in a hurry that I have actually won several sizable jackpot prizes in various competitions.
So I guess in that regard I am something of an expert in the quickest way to lose weight.
In fact, I estimate that I have lost over 500 pounds in my lifetime.
But before you think I'm bragging I have also gained over 500 pounds.
Twice I've lost 75 pounds.
But it came back.
Many times I have lost 30 to 40 pounds with the same result.
I have two photo albums that span 40 years.
One is called "before" and the other...
Well, you get the picture.
Happily, I eventually figured this weight loss thing out.
My weight problem is finally under control.
That said, I think I am qualified to declare with all confidence that looking for the quickest way to lose weight is a recipe for disaster.
I suppose if you really want to do the quick weight loss thing then you better do it in your younger years.
That's when your body can endure the most abuse.
That's right.
" They don't call them "crash diets" for nothing.
Such dieting is hazardous to your health.
Vanity, the desire to be noticed, and accepted motivate us to take chances with our health.
Most likely we don't see these quick diet episodes as being dangerous.
All that instruction from health class and mom is good for head knowledge but we weren't willing to buy into it.
In other words, most of us know better, but we go for the quick fix anyway.
Good nutrition, disciplined exercise, and healthy living are the right way to lose weight.
It pays the greatest return on investment.
That return means health and wellness for now and later in life when the body enters its battle with aging.
What you do now will greatly improve the quality of your life for tomorrow.
Rather than looking for "diets for fast weight loss" it is better to focus on "diets for HEALTHY weight loss.
" Sorry to disappoint you.
To buy into this thinking you will have to give up your cabbage diet, lemonade fast, grapefruit diet, and banana diet.
You will also have to throw away the diet pills.
The good news there are some things that you can do to hasten your weight loss progress without compromising your health.
Following are 10 tips on a balanced approach to quick weight loss: 1.
Accept the fact that you must change your lifestyle.
Spread your meals throughout the day.
Take five small meals, with small food portions, instead of three big meals.
Consume your last meal at least two hours before going to bed so that the body has time to digest the food.
Start an aerobic program that involves getting your heart rate up at least 3 times per week for 30 minutes each.
Cut out white stuff from your diet.
Stay away from white flour, rice, sugar, and potatoes.
The exception would be an occasional potato baked or boiled with the skin.
Stay away from fried foods and fat.
Limit your quantities of red meat to no more than 5 ounces 3 times per week.
Go organic and eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible.
Shoot for a goal of 50% raw.
Get rid of all diet sodas.
That includes diet drinks as well as sugar laden drinks.
Get plenty of rest...
at least 8 hours per night.
You will actually speed up your weight loss by sleeping in a cool environment.
These are just a few things that you can do for healthy weight loss.
Just cutting out white stuff and diet beverages from my health enabled me to lose over 40 pounds and keep it off.
More importantly my health has improved considerably.
If I had only known back then what I know now.