Work Injuries: Know How To Make A Successful Claim
In most cases there will be insurance coverage in place to pay for injuries suffered.
Should an individual decide to make a personal or work injuries claim without the aid of a lawyer then they would need to educate themselves on the ins and outs of processing this claim and how to correctly submit said claim.
The law allows everyone the right to make a claim for loss of earnings and damages to property.
This would include any medical costs, travel expenses, loss of income and any other related losses.
This should also include an amount for pain and suffering (mental anguish) and should there be a long term injury that reduces the person's quality of life.
Anyone making work injuries claim without a lawyer will have to take full responsibility for documenting any losses they may have incurred.
To be able to go forwards with a claim for compensation this person will need to gather medical reports with an itemized bill for doctor's services and any prescription drugs that were administered.
A doctor's report should be specific about the injuries received and how they are related to the accident and what the long term prognosis may be.
The person that is not at fault will be able to make work injuries claim for a loss of earnings due to time taken off as a result of the accident.
The attending doctor's report should have details of why the individual is unable to work because of the accident.
You would also need to obtain written confirmation from your employer stating how long you have been absent and how much earnings you have lost in normal pay due to your injuries.
Once you know the full extent of work injuries suffered due to the other persons' negligence then the claim will need to be prepared and submitted to the liability insurance company, this will include all out of pocket damages and an amount for pain and suffering, now, depending on the injuries incurred this could be anywhere from two to ten times the actual amount of loss.
The insurance company that is liable for losses will then assign a loss adjuster to make contact with the injured party and make a request for any documentation and a statement related to losses.
This final demand package will then be assessed by the adjuster who will then negotiate with the injured party to arrive at a fair and honest settlement that the said party will need to sign as the final settlement.
When making a claim for work injuries compensation it is advisable to engage the services of a professional lawyer as some cases can become very tricky.
And in such cases a professional will more than earn any costs involved with their fees.
Should it happen that you are not satisfied with the amount you will be getting, you have all the right to dispute this in a court of law.
Your lawyer will be in a position to tell you how best to go about this.