Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Help You Seek Justice
What Types of Abuse Happen in the Homes?
Unfortunately, abuse in these facilities often runs the gamut, and nursing home abuse lawyers want you to realize that. Physical abuse, such as hitting, pinching, scratching, and performing unnecessary medical procedures just touches the surface of the types of things that nursing home abuse lawyers have seen. Restraining patients for hours, and sometimes days at a time happens as well. This is highly abusive and dangerous. These restraints limit the patient's movement. The patient will not be able to go to the bathroom and will usually soil him or herself.
Since the facility doesn't usually like to let people know that they use the restraints, their usage doesn't always show up in the reports. This means that if there is a shift change, the oncoming staff might not even know that there is a patient in restraints until later. Dehydration, broken bones, and lesions are all possible with these restraints as well. In most cases, medical professionals need to authorize the use of the restraints, but that doesn't always happen. Nursing home abuse lawyers want to put an end to this.
Neglect is a form of abuse as well. Even though no one at the facility is physically assaulting your loved one doesn't mean the facility is not abusive in another way. If they are not providing proper care and treatment because they ignore the patients, then they are in violation as well, and you need to talk with a nursing home abuse lawyer. The nursing home abuse lawyers are also able to help in cases of verbal abuse, which can be very damaging to the psyche.
Getting Help Right Away with Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers
When you worry that your loved one might be in an abusive situation at the nursing home, it's no time to waffle and second-guess your suspicions. It's far better to err of the side of caution in these cases. When you suspect abuse, you need to talk with the authorities, and you need to contact a nursing home abuse lawyer right away.
Set up a consultation so you can go over the facts of the case and so the nursing home abuse lawyer will be able to start working on your case. Take action and receive justice for those you love and care for who were abused.