Ban the Koran. Now

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There are many misconceptions about Islam or Mohammedism as it should rightly be called. Western self-hatred; politically correct fascism; and an anti-Western educational and media establishment ascribe incorrect labels to the Mohammedan cult. Mohammedism is not a religion, it is not modern, and its main book the Koran, is overtly racist and supremacist. Time to ban it.

Why ban the Koran? The media and the insufferable Marxist-Feminist-anti Christian-post modern alliance refrain that it is a holy book. That is the work of God or at least a representation thereof. The Koran is equated in this distorted world view with the Bible. The cult of Mohammed, much like the leadership cults of Hitler, Lenin and Stalin, is thereby conflated, rather incredibly, with Christianity. The Koran and the Arab cult of Mohammed have nothing in common with the Bible or Christianity.

Christianity and the Bible have some key elements missing in the Mohammed cult and the Koran. The Golden Rule – do unto others as you would have done unto you – does not exist in the Koran. Neither does the division of church and state; tolerance of others; or the litany of ethical and behavioral concerns which make up most of the Bible.

If one does not believe that, than read the Koran. Did you ever wonder why the Koran can only be recited in Arabic? This would be akin to mandating that all Catholics must read their bible in the original Latin. Is this not a form of Arab imperialist intolerance?

The Koran leads inevitably to forms of fascistic governance – fascist in its rightly denoted terminology, not in the useless and incorrect sense it is used by the leftists and marxists in todays world.

Fascism is an extreme left wing concept which melds church and state into a cult; elevates the cult leader above the rest; partakes in excessive communalism and supremacism; and engages in jihadic war, endless propaganda, and Orwellian double talk to further its political goals. A fascist cult is at its root a political ideology and this is precisely what Mohammedism is. Fascism has nothing in common with, nor any relation to 'right wing' conservative concepts embedded in free trade; small government; and military power.

Fascism is an extremist communalist philosophy.

If we add in slavery; a genetic hatred of Jews and Christians; misogyny; pre modern cultist practices; ritualisation; and endless repetition of the cult's story line as found in the Koran, then yes you have a pretty nice formulation of a fascism.

Welcome to Mohammedism.

And this is the key element that most miss, when discussing the Arab cult. Mohammedism demands obedience to the cult's ideals. Islam meaning submission demands the prostration of the person to the Arab moon deity ali-ilah and the recognition that no free will exists since Allah determines all. Allah is the one or the thing, which will decide your fate. Submit, ask for his or its love, and hope for the best.

If this is not a cult than what is it?

Let's assume for now, that rational people will view Islam as the Mohammed cult – a stretch of the imagination to be certain. Would such a rational person than allow this cult to flood her or her's country in immigrants waves? Would the cult's text calling non-Muslims slaves, pigs and apes be allowed for study in that society? Would that society embrace Saudi money to support sundry 'churches', associations and lobby groups to infiltrate the host society?

Even today Mein Kampf is a best seller in the Arab world. Hitler and Nazism are still worshipped and supported across the Muslim world. Arabs and Muslims were allied with Hitler and the Communists for most of the last century. Arab and Muslims have engaged in an unrelenting jihadic war against non-Muslims for 1385 years. Would a sane society, infused supposedly with modern education, scientific tools and a high degree of rationality, willingly allow the subversion of its culture and state by such a cult?

If so why?

As already noted Islam is really Mohammedism – a cult, not a religion, missing as it were a vital element called the Golden Rule. Westerners rather stupidly seem to accept the Muslim's claims that the Koran and Islam are to be equated with the Bible and Christianity. This is about as dumb a conflation as stating that Hitlerism and Mein Kampf should be equated with Judaism and the Torah.

Since the West is, largely outside the US, a post-modern, post-Christian society, faith is deemed to be irrational and unseemly. But such a sentiment is only applied to Christians, not Mohammedans. For the average post modern secularist this peculiar hypocrisy is frightening – denigrate Christianity the basis of civilisation, but support and protect Mohammedism a cult which has butchered 300 millions since 622 A.D, including about 500.000 since 9-11.


The heart of the Arab imperial program is the fascist plan contained in the Koran – the Mein Kampf of Mohammed. Mosques, groups, schools and Mohemmadan practices all revolve around this book of gibberish and nonsense. It is one long diatribe against the kuffar or infidel and one long polemic demanding Muslim domination. Even Muslim 'thinkers' and 'philosophers' know this. These propagandists, including some of Mohammedism's most important writers, use the Koran as the premise for their hate of Western society and their insistence for Jihadic war:

-Ibn Khaldun [philosopher 8th century]: "All religious laws and practices and everything that the masses are expected to do requires group feeling. Only with the help of group feeling can a claim be successfully pressed,….Group feeling is necessary to the Muslim community. Its existence enables (the community) to fulfill what God expects of it."

-A.K.Brohi [Pakistani Muslim jurist 20th century]: "The individual if necessary has to be sacrificed in order that that the life of the organism be saved. Collectivity has a special sanctity attached to it in Islam....Freedom is Slavery.'

-Qutb [20th century Muslim and co-founder of the Muslim brotherhood]: 'The unbelievers were of three kinds: adversaries in war, people with treaties, and Dhimmies. The people with treaties eventually became Muslims, so there were only two kinds left: people at war and Dhimmies.'

Many, in fact thousands of quotes from Muslim 'thinkers' can be used, all of them utilizing Koranic doctrine and infallible Muslim supremacism to urge intolerance and a fascistic organisation of temporal affairs.

What is truly fantastical is that the Koran, with an almost unlimited number of passages crying out racism; Jew and Christian hatred, demanding submission and exhorting the killing of 'others' is not declared by the busy little minds of various Human Rights Commissions, a hate document. If I were to publish for instance, an anti-Gay commentary I would be sued. If I produce a leaflet denying the Holocaust or the rape of Nanking, I would likewise, and rightly be sued. But the Muslims can declaim hatred, advocate the killing of Jews and others, and fulminate weekly in their mosques against the West and nothing happens.

Human rights commissions should be investigating the Koran and Mohammedan mosques for hate speech, not bothering writers and websites who are publishing viewpoints.

This is perhaps the most ridiculous and pernicious aspect of multi-cult post modern stupidity. Mohammedans are free to spew their hate bile and animus towards any and all kuffars, but the kuffar is unable to express his or her considered viewpoint and criticize the Mohammed cult.


Why should the Koran be banned?

I will give you five reasons why this cult document should be banned:

1.It is a fascistic set of commands outlining Muslim aggression against the world. Its program is no different than that set out in Mein Kampf.

2.It is misogynistic and promotes female slavery.
3.It is racist.
4.It is supremacist and distorts young impressionable Muslim minds.
5.It has been used as the basis of war for 1385 years, and is directly responsible for the deaths of 300 million people. It is the guide for Arab imperialism.

It is in short the handbook for our enemies. By banning the Koran we can also open up the Mosques for inspection; understand their finances; regulate their programs of 'praying' and limit immigration. The tides would turn in favor of civilsiation.

It is all well and good to criticize and laugh at Christianity. Ha ha. Ho Ho. The small minds of the world might want to criticize, analyse and become sickened by the Koran. It is a document which demands a pre-modern view of the world, the destruction of civilisation; and the enslavement of women and kuffars. Maybe the little multi-cult minds and human rights councils can get busy with this threat instead of obsessing about polar bears; Guantanamo Bay; and Bushitler.
Who after all are the real fascists?

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