What men hate in women
Without wasting much time, here are some of the personality traits men hate in women.
The "Bit_ _" - I have read in some popular women's magazines that men actually like women with the "B" attitude. This could not be farther from the truth. The reality is that men may want to take this kind of woman to bed, but at the end of the day, a man wants to settle down with the kind of woman that will give him peace of mind and happiness, without the drama that "B's" are known to bring to the table. If you have been called the "B" word, bear in mind that you can still be respected as a strong woman without being a "B." Stand firm on your opinions, respect the opinions of others, and you will be respected. It is all about respect. If you respect others, if you are not insulting, if you don't speak to others in a condescending manner, you are well on your way to losing the "B" title, and you will the be the better for it.
The Sleaze - For men, sleazes are just good for sex. When men want serious relationships with women, they definitely make sure they avoid the sleazy ones. What makes a woman sleazy? Simple. When you are over the edge with your desire to express your sexiness through your appearance and behavior. If you dress in ways that are too revealing, you could come across as sleazy. If you go around being overly flirtatious, you risk being called a sleaze. If you constantly desire sexual gratification from strangers, you are definitely a sleaze.
If you think you may be a sleaze, based on the brief description given above, you can make some changes and gain the respect you deserve. Start by wearing clothes that are not too revealing. You can still be sexy without letting your chest or underwear hang out. If you have an urge to get between the sheets with strangers, you must realize that you are taking enormous risks and could expose yourself to HIV. Get help from a therapist, if you cannot tame this drive inside you.
The Dominator - Is it your way or the highway? Well, if you come across as a lady who wants to run a man's life, you run the risk of being dumped or completely avoided. No man wants to be in a relationship with any woman who wants to run his life. When you can't accept compromises, you are a dominator. To change this behavior, you must learn to accept compromises. You must learn to accept the points of view expressed by others, especially those you claim to love and cherish. When you get the urge to take control of a particular activity your man is engaged in - don't. Let him take care of his affairs unless he asks for your help.
The Slob - Nothing turns men off like a woman that cannot keep herself or her environment up. People generally are drawn to people and environments that are clean. Have you gone to a restaurant and wanted to sit down at a dirty table? The answer is an unequivocal NO. If people have called you a slob, you probably are. If you want to make sure that you are not keeping members of the opposite sex away, you can start making changes in this area. Start by making sure you are wearing clean and ironed clothes. Make sure you do your hair and nails, and use some makeup. Then move on to get your home clean and organized. Just make these changes, and see the difference it will make in your life.
The prude - When you come out as straight-laced, too proper in both speech and behavior, you come across as one that who lacks a good sense of humor. When you don't have a sense of humor - when you cannot give or take a joke - no man will be thrilled to be in any meaningful relationship with you. If you come across as a prude, the perception is that you would also be unimaginative and a log in bed. If you think this description comes close to your personality, you can make some changes now, before it is too late. Relax a bit in your use of the English language. Use slang from time to time - it is only a colorful way of expressing yourself. Allow yourself room to make mistakes. Find ways to make people laugh, and take a joke when one comes your way.
Now that you know what men hate, you'll want to cultivate the qualities that men love. The qualities that make men fall head over heels in love with women can be found in "Passion Keys" which is available at: http://www.smartwomansguide.com.
The "Bit_ _" - I have read in some popular women's magazines that men actually like women with the "B" attitude. This could not be farther from the truth. The reality is that men may want to take this kind of woman to bed, but at the end of the day, a man wants to settle down with the kind of woman that will give him peace of mind and happiness, without the drama that "B's" are known to bring to the table. If you have been called the "B" word, bear in mind that you can still be respected as a strong woman without being a "B." Stand firm on your opinions, respect the opinions of others, and you will be respected. It is all about respect. If you respect others, if you are not insulting, if you don't speak to others in a condescending manner, you are well on your way to losing the "B" title, and you will the be the better for it.
The Sleaze - For men, sleazes are just good for sex. When men want serious relationships with women, they definitely make sure they avoid the sleazy ones. What makes a woman sleazy? Simple. When you are over the edge with your desire to express your sexiness through your appearance and behavior. If you dress in ways that are too revealing, you could come across as sleazy. If you go around being overly flirtatious, you risk being called a sleaze. If you constantly desire sexual gratification from strangers, you are definitely a sleaze.
If you think you may be a sleaze, based on the brief description given above, you can make some changes and gain the respect you deserve. Start by wearing clothes that are not too revealing. You can still be sexy without letting your chest or underwear hang out. If you have an urge to get between the sheets with strangers, you must realize that you are taking enormous risks and could expose yourself to HIV. Get help from a therapist, if you cannot tame this drive inside you.
The Dominator - Is it your way or the highway? Well, if you come across as a lady who wants to run a man's life, you run the risk of being dumped or completely avoided. No man wants to be in a relationship with any woman who wants to run his life. When you can't accept compromises, you are a dominator. To change this behavior, you must learn to accept compromises. You must learn to accept the points of view expressed by others, especially those you claim to love and cherish. When you get the urge to take control of a particular activity your man is engaged in - don't. Let him take care of his affairs unless he asks for your help.
The Slob - Nothing turns men off like a woman that cannot keep herself or her environment up. People generally are drawn to people and environments that are clean. Have you gone to a restaurant and wanted to sit down at a dirty table? The answer is an unequivocal NO. If people have called you a slob, you probably are. If you want to make sure that you are not keeping members of the opposite sex away, you can start making changes in this area. Start by making sure you are wearing clean and ironed clothes. Make sure you do your hair and nails, and use some makeup. Then move on to get your home clean and organized. Just make these changes, and see the difference it will make in your life.
The prude - When you come out as straight-laced, too proper in both speech and behavior, you come across as one that who lacks a good sense of humor. When you don't have a sense of humor - when you cannot give or take a joke - no man will be thrilled to be in any meaningful relationship with you. If you come across as a prude, the perception is that you would also be unimaginative and a log in bed. If you think this description comes close to your personality, you can make some changes now, before it is too late. Relax a bit in your use of the English language. Use slang from time to time - it is only a colorful way of expressing yourself. Allow yourself room to make mistakes. Find ways to make people laugh, and take a joke when one comes your way.
Now that you know what men hate, you'll want to cultivate the qualities that men love. The qualities that make men fall head over heels in love with women can be found in "Passion Keys" which is available at: http://www.smartwomansguide.com.