Free Ways to Make a Computer Faster
- A computer maintenance software application can make your PC run faster.businessman on his computer image by Gina Smith from
Viruses, slow start up and crashes become increasingly common as computers age. You can improve your computer's performance by doing simple things like deleting files and running a virus scanner. Purchase a computer maintenance software application from your local electronics store or download a number of free or fee-based software applications to make your computer faster. - Defragging your hard drive will clear up some space and help improve performance. Defragmentation pulls all of the fragmented files (files that are scattered in various folders or are duplicates) together. The computer is able to open up these files much more quickly and easily. In Windows, the defragging tool is located in "Accessories" under "Programs."
- Dozens of software programs and services automatically start up when you first log on to your computer. You can choose to turn off the programs or services that are not necessary for your needs. Run MSCONFIG or go to your control panel and access your services to turn them off.
- Animated windows and fading menus can slow down your computer's performance. Go to the control panel and change your settings in the display. Make the selections you need or don't need and adjust accordingly.
Use the Windows Optimization tool. It organizes files, defrags your hard drive and performs other optimization tasks.
Defragment Your Computer
Services and Start-Up Programs
Visual Effects and Windows Optimization