Make Money Online Guaranteed - 3 Affiliate Marketing Survival Tips
At times they are under the impression that it will just magically come knocking on their door.
Realistically there is more to it than that.
It is just a matter of exceptional advertising strategies that have been proven to work time and time again.
There are strategies that I have seen work in the past with affiliate marketing and they still work to this day.
With these three marketing tips you are sure to drive tons of traffic to your site and make money online; guaranteed.
First - Use different landing pages to advertise each product that you are promoting.
Don't try and save money by incorporating all your products on one page.
Each product you are promoting should have its own individual landing page, and there are several free options you can use to do this; such as squidoo lenses, hub pages, and blogs, and they are all very easy to set up.
Second - You should make a regular practice of putting a review of the product you're promoting on your landing page; to help your potential buyer see how the product you are offering will benefit them.
Adding testimonials from previous users of the product is always a good idea; as it will give your customers a sense of security to read about the success that others have had with the product they are about to purchase.
This little tactic alone will almost always seal the deal; so you will make money online; guaranteed.
Third - Everybody loves free stuff right? So, make it a point to offer your potential buyers free reports.
To be sure your generous offer is not missed; place it directly at the top of the page.
Generate an auto responder message that will be emailed to everyone who requests it by putting their information on your page.
Research shows that after the seventh time you contact a prospective customer; you make a sale.
If you use these marketing strategies on lots of different affiliate programs; you will be making a generous income and be able to survive in the world of online marketing.