Make Him Love You Again – Breakthrough Advice For Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back
In order to make him love you again, you need to show him that you're worth loving. That means you've got to present yourself as a mature, strong, stable woman. You're going to do that by telling him that you're sorry for your part in the break up. You've got to do this regardless of whether you dumped him or he dumped you. Just tell him that you regret your part in the split and that you're ready to move on. He'll be impressed by this even if he doesn't tell you that he is.
Also, refrain from talking to any mutual friends about the break up. This kind of gossip has a way of finding its way back to your ex boyfriend and you don't want that to happen. If you feel the need to complain, cry or point the finger of blame at him, do it with a friend who you know has no contact with him. Better yet, just write everything you're feeling in a journal. That's very cathartic and will help you work through everything you're feeling after the break up.
The next part of your plan to make him love you again is a bit emotionally challenging but if you can do it, you'll stand a much better chance of winning him back. You need to cut him out of your life for at least several weeks. That means enforcing a no contact rule. Don't allow yourself to contact him at all. Instead focus on hanging out with friends, or doing some spring or fall cleaning. Another great idea is to work on improving yourself. If you've wanted to get a new haircut – do that now. If you've been putting off starting cooking or dancing lessons, now is the ideal time to start. Your goal should be to stay away from him while enjoying your own life. Don't get caught up in thoughts that he'll take your silence as a sign that he should move on. It's quite the contrary actually. More than likely he'll actually panic and think that you've moved on and that will be enough to jolt him back into seeing that he needs you back before he loses you for good.