Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Make a Positive Difference
In our society it has been the norm to focus on what is best or pleasing for "me".
"The self centred me I am the most important person here I am the centre of my world I I ME ME " Well, when times are flush that's fine, but times like now, when the world seems to be darkening, we tend to retreat into ourselves more as part of a survival stance.
We build up a wall of protection.
My quest is to break down the wall, to open our minds to look outside ourselves and remind us that we are part of a group and our actions affect everybody.
I want to encourage us to to "Live and Engage" with others.
To think about what each action each of us can do now to make a positive difference to other people's lives.
Decide today that at any time you come into contact with any one, you will give them something.
It doesn't have to be in the form of material things.
I am more interested in the mental, verbal, giving, the hardest of all! The most powerful forms of giving are non-material.
These actions make you step out of your comfort zone.
The gifts of affection, appreciation, attention, and love are the most precious gifts you can give and they don't cost you anything.
Even people whom the world considers highly successful crave words of confidence, thoughtfulness and appreciation.
You may never know how much good your words of confidence can mean or how far they can go to produce good for others.
Research has shown that the greatest human need is the need for kindness, courtesy, and to be treated decently.
The intention should always be to create happiness for the giver and the receiver.
The act of giving must be joyful.
The more you give the more confidence you will gain.
Simple things make a difference.
Saying "Thank you", "That's kind of you", "How can I help","Wow, you did that well".
Say it with intent and use their name if you know it.
Practice random acts of kindness.
Remember what you give out you get back ten fold.
When you meet someone you can silently send them a blessing, wishing them happiness, joy and laughter.
This kind of silent giving is very powerful.
Your task today is to "Go Forth and make a Difference"
"The self centred me I am the most important person here I am the centre of my world I I ME ME " Well, when times are flush that's fine, but times like now, when the world seems to be darkening, we tend to retreat into ourselves more as part of a survival stance.
We build up a wall of protection.
My quest is to break down the wall, to open our minds to look outside ourselves and remind us that we are part of a group and our actions affect everybody.
I want to encourage us to to "Live and Engage" with others.
To think about what each action each of us can do now to make a positive difference to other people's lives.
Decide today that at any time you come into contact with any one, you will give them something.
It doesn't have to be in the form of material things.
I am more interested in the mental, verbal, giving, the hardest of all! The most powerful forms of giving are non-material.
These actions make you step out of your comfort zone.
The gifts of affection, appreciation, attention, and love are the most precious gifts you can give and they don't cost you anything.
Even people whom the world considers highly successful crave words of confidence, thoughtfulness and appreciation.
You may never know how much good your words of confidence can mean or how far they can go to produce good for others.
Research has shown that the greatest human need is the need for kindness, courtesy, and to be treated decently.
The intention should always be to create happiness for the giver and the receiver.
The act of giving must be joyful.
The more you give the more confidence you will gain.
Simple things make a difference.
Saying "Thank you", "That's kind of you", "How can I help","Wow, you did that well".
Say it with intent and use their name if you know it.
Practice random acts of kindness.
Remember what you give out you get back ten fold.
When you meet someone you can silently send them a blessing, wishing them happiness, joy and laughter.
This kind of silent giving is very powerful.
Your task today is to "Go Forth and make a Difference"