Social Media FAQ From a Small Business Owner
No one is out from being in the Social Media trend, are you in it? Actually is hard to keep saying that Social Media is a trend because it's part of our life nowadays; if you could tell me at least one friend that has not tagged you in Facebook or invite you to join Twitter, it is impossible! Well, if you are on this maybe you should check out some stuff that could help you to position your company among the people that surf within the Social Media, actually: Facebook has grown from 100 million to 200 million users in less than 8 months and Twitter itself is growing at a crazy rate; although it already has a very large audience, it grew 76.
8 percent just from February to March.
According to Nielsen, Twitter currently has 7 million unique monthly visitors.
If it keeps growing at this rate, it'll have nearly 100 million visitors same time next year (mashable.
So, here I come up with some FAQ about Social Media and Small Business Owners: - What works in digital marketing during these times? Actually, besides the things that you usually can do as marketing, it's a must to keep doing them and now it is time to make it online and definitely to expand your sells worldwide.
Thousands millions of people surf every day via internet, then, imagine all the market you could have in this platforms, all potential customers are willing to find what they need.
Let's say that you have the opportunity although you have not take advantage of it.
- How expensive is to get ad advertisement there, is it effective? You may check advertising on Facebook (facebook.
com/advertising), where you can find an easy way to create your "ad" and from USD$1.
00 a day start promoting your goods in a network of 350,000,000 users.
- What if I want to create an application there? Applications are currently another method to promote your company, in fact, would be great if I can "entertain" myself with an application meanwhile you are selling me something indirectly.
Over 10,000 Facebook application you will find over there; if you are interested on it better to invest a little bit more, mainly because you have to have programming skills either knowledge of it in order to begin.
Linked with applications stuff, I can tell you that they can be inside your mobile phone, as I wrote before; getting into Social Media will carry some investments, however, less expensive than starting a massive campaign being in all physical spaces at your city.
I can suggest you to do a small research, I can tell a few from the top 20: Facebook.
com, MySpace.
com, Twitter.
com, Flixter.
com, LinkedIn.
com, Tagged.
com, ClassMates.
com, MyYearBook.
com, etc.
In the majority of them you can place advertisements, and everything it's up to the users.
E-commerce is between us, Smilds.
com has a very good proposal about selling and buying goods in the web, check it out and then start with your web-store and why not publishing it in the social media.
8 percent just from February to March.
According to Nielsen, Twitter currently has 7 million unique monthly visitors.
If it keeps growing at this rate, it'll have nearly 100 million visitors same time next year (mashable.
So, here I come up with some FAQ about Social Media and Small Business Owners: - What works in digital marketing during these times? Actually, besides the things that you usually can do as marketing, it's a must to keep doing them and now it is time to make it online and definitely to expand your sells worldwide.
Thousands millions of people surf every day via internet, then, imagine all the market you could have in this platforms, all potential customers are willing to find what they need.
Let's say that you have the opportunity although you have not take advantage of it.
- How expensive is to get ad advertisement there, is it effective? You may check advertising on Facebook (facebook.
com/advertising), where you can find an easy way to create your "ad" and from USD$1.
00 a day start promoting your goods in a network of 350,000,000 users.
- What if I want to create an application there? Applications are currently another method to promote your company, in fact, would be great if I can "entertain" myself with an application meanwhile you are selling me something indirectly.
Over 10,000 Facebook application you will find over there; if you are interested on it better to invest a little bit more, mainly because you have to have programming skills either knowledge of it in order to begin.
Linked with applications stuff, I can tell you that they can be inside your mobile phone, as I wrote before; getting into Social Media will carry some investments, however, less expensive than starting a massive campaign being in all physical spaces at your city.
I can suggest you to do a small research, I can tell a few from the top 20: Facebook.
com, MySpace.
com, Twitter.
com, Flixter.
com, LinkedIn.
com, Tagged.
com, ClassMates.
com, MyYearBook.
com, etc.
In the majority of them you can place advertisements, and everything it's up to the users.
E-commerce is between us, Smilds.
com has a very good proposal about selling and buying goods in the web, check it out and then start with your web-store and why not publishing it in the social media.