Can You Tell Me How to Get My Girlfriend Back? 7 Myths on Getting My Girlfriend Back
Here are the seven most dangerous misunderstandings about relationships you have to get past to get your ex-girlfriend back.
Myth #1.
A great relationship requires great sex.
"Falling in love" is exhilarating, and sex with a new partner is exciting.
But you don't have to be totally absorbed with each other or have hot sex every night to have a great relationship that can be the most important thing in your life.
Myth #2.
A great relationship requires beating every problem.
Outside pressures don't cause couples to break up.
The perception that the partner isn't helping deal with outside pressures is what causes couples to break up.
Myth #3.
A great relationship requires agreeing on everything.
This is an old truism that's actually true: Men think with their logical left brains and women think with their emotional right brains.
Men and women seldom agree 100% on anything really important.
And it's a strength to the relationship if they don't.
Myth #4.
A great relationship requires common interests that bind your lives together.
If you and your ex have children, then you do have a common interest that binds your lives together.
But if you don't, you have the potential, should you mutually decide to get back together, to find new activities for fun and to expand your lives.
Myth #5.
A great relationship allows you to say anything you feel.
Wrong! Sometimes keeping quiet about something allows it to die and pass out of your lives.
A need to discuss absolutely everything is almost never healthy.
Myth #6.
A great relationship doesn't require sex.
Are you kidding? No, every great romantic relationship requires sex.
But both partners should be satisfied.
Myth #7.
A great relationship requires everything to be straightened out.
The reason this is not true is that adults are responsible for finding their own happiness.
The two partners in a relationship should be at about the same place in their lives, but it is not necessary to have every problem, every argument, every dispute, and every worry put away to have a great relationship.
These are the 7 Myths on how to get my girlfriend back that you should read and understand in order to be successful to get her back.
If you understand why these are Myths you will get her back.