Wedding Invitations - What You Need For Do It Yourself Wedding Invites
Do it yourself wedding invites will save you money.
What do you need to make your own wedding invitations.
Get the information you need for the wedding announcement wording.
First you need to decide what type of wedding announcements you will make.
This will give you an accurate count as to how many do it yourself wedding invites you will need.
You always want to have extra.
The nice part is you can print what you need and if you need more you can print those as you need them.
By having extra you can be prepared for those guests you forgot about.
With card stock envelopes and a list you are ready to start.
A good word processing program will work great.
I use Microsoft Works.
This comes with almost all new PCs.
You can make the invitations and address your envelopes all in this program.
It is a nice option.
You will want some nice wedding clipart and make sure you have a nice font to use.
Once you have all of these.
Learn the software and test some samples.
Find what you like and print them out.
It really is fun to make your own wedding invitations.
The best part is after you learn the do it yourself wedding invites, you can do other stuff too.
Make a complete set of wedding cards, wedding RSVP cards, return envelopes and reception cards.
After you have just what you want.
Proof it and let someone else proof it again.
When you have what you want print several of each one and then go to the next item and print those.
I hope this gives you an idea of how easy it is to make your own wedding invitations.
Go For It..
What do you need to make your own wedding invitations.
Get the information you need for the wedding announcement wording.
First you need to decide what type of wedding announcements you will make.
- If you are going traditional you will need two sizes of cards and envelopes.
You can get these from most office supply stores or your local craft store.
It can save a lot of money by buying these.
You can also customize your invitations this way.
You will need two sized because one if for the invitations and the other is for the RSVP card.
You can use just blank stock if you want to add a reception card. - Making a single sheet card is less expensive.
With this set up you can use standard #10 envelopes and card stock cut to 4 x 9.
To make these less expensive you can make the RSVP a postcard at 4 x 6.
Again you can opt for a reception card at 3 x 5. - If you choose you can get one of those wedding invitation kits.
It is almost getting generic to use those as they don't seem to have a lot of variety.
Making your own gives you more options but these can be a good alternative if you like them. - The other option is a seal and send wedding invitation.
With these all you will need is a single sheet of card stock.
I would not use anything smaller than 5 1/2 x 12" and preferably a 6 x 14" sheet.
You can usually get card stock cut at any office supply store that has printing options.
This would be Office Depot, Office Max, Staples and the like.
This will give you an accurate count as to how many do it yourself wedding invites you will need.
You always want to have extra.
The nice part is you can print what you need and if you need more you can print those as you need them.
By having extra you can be prepared for those guests you forgot about.
With card stock envelopes and a list you are ready to start.
A good word processing program will work great.
I use Microsoft Works.
This comes with almost all new PCs.
You can make the invitations and address your envelopes all in this program.
It is a nice option.
You will want some nice wedding clipart and make sure you have a nice font to use.
Once you have all of these.
Learn the software and test some samples.
Find what you like and print them out.
It really is fun to make your own wedding invitations.
The best part is after you learn the do it yourself wedding invites, you can do other stuff too.
Make a complete set of wedding cards, wedding RSVP cards, return envelopes and reception cards.
After you have just what you want.
Proof it and let someone else proof it again.
When you have what you want print several of each one and then go to the next item and print those.
I hope this gives you an idea of how easy it is to make your own wedding invitations.
Go For It..