How Of Generating Traffic For Free!Part Ii
Traffic Exchange.
This is another great way to generate free traffic to your sites. Traffic exchange means viewing of other webmasters site and vice versa. A site can make use of your sites content and so can you.
You need to find other webmaster who are in the same niche as you. Exchanging links will certainly help in getting high ranking in the search engines. Thus, with good ranking position, you will be able to generate higher traffic to your site without having to spend a bomb.
One thing you must ensure that deals must be struck with webmasters who share the same subject as you to ensure continuity in the service and information provided. For example, if you are in internet marketing niche. You would not want to pair up with a webmaster that is specializing in dogs, do you?
It is a very good and effective method of generating traffic to your site if it is done properly.
Online Forums and Communities
Join online forum and communities to find out what people out there want. You will get information what is the market demand and you can secretly plan your product to fit what your would-be customer want.
However you may want to be careful, not to be seen as a spy or opportunist. You may get ban. Share your two cent worth opinion and be honest about the whole thing. Build up a reputation of being an expert without bragging. If you are lack of knowledge, do some research and read up to gain knowledge.
Once you win their trust, it would be easy for you have your group of followers and you can lead them to your site. It is proven that people usually will buy from people who they trust and familiar with. Very unlikely they will buy from strangers or people they hardly hear of. If your service/product is good, they will tell their friends and you will have more people visiting your site. It is just like free advertising of your websites through the words of mouth.
There you go. These methods have proven to lead higher traffic to ones website. But it has to be done consistently and systematically. Try these methods and you will be surprise of the result.
Good luck!