How to Attract Your Ex Back - Your Most Important Surefire Tactic
You may be wrongly blaming yourself, or feeling very sorry for yourself.
Doing that does not make your situation any better for yourself.
It is time for you to start thinking about how to attract your ex back.
Remember that time is not on your side.
The #1 Attract Your Ex Back Tactic I'm sure you have heard the expression "Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
" If your ex has not found another lover, then you can work at making your ex miss you.
The best attract your ex back tactic is to make your ex passionately aware of how much better they feel with you as compared to how empty they feel without you.
How To Make Your Ex Miss You Desperately #1--Any phone conversations you have with your ex should be kept to a minimum.
End conversations by telling your ex that you have to get off the phone as you are going out "with friends.
" (even if you aren't) You want to have your ex thinking you have recovered from the blow of being dropped, and that you are socializing.
Remember not to go into detail.
Make your ex jealous of you.
Set up a time to meet casually with your ex to express your acceptance of their decision.
Make it brief, but try to bring up a special place (restaurant or event or trip), that your ex can think about fondly.
You want to reinforce happy thoughts of being with you.
This is the basis for how to attract your ex back.