EBay Included, First Impressions Mean Everything
At one time or another, you've judged someone or something by looks alone.
We've all done it.
It's human nature.
Hence the old adage, "First impressions mean everything.
" This is especially true on eBay.
When you list your item for sale, you need to make a good first impression on any prospective buyer, right? But how? That's where your eBay auction title comes in.
The title of your listing is your only shot at making a good first impression.
If a buyer doesn't like what he sees, he can move on to the next item all too easily.
Now, while this article is not a tutorial on eBay picture taking, I do have to mention that purchasing the gallery picture for $.
35 (at the time of this writing) is absolutely imperative.
I know when I'm looking to buy something on eBay, my motto is "no picture, no click.
" Cough up that extra pocket change to place your picture next to your title.
eBay gives you 55 characters to make that first impression.
Not only do you need to grab the buyers attention, but you need to include the keywords she'll be using to search for your item.
This is not nearly as hard as it sounds.
First, put yourself in the buyers shoes.
What words will she be typing in to search for your item? Depends on the item, but I can guarantee you one thing.
She won't be typing in things like "W@W" or "L@@K" or a string of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Characters like these are a total waste of your title space.
Avoid them at all cost.
Let's say I'm listing a dress on eBay.
If I put myself in the buyers place, I'm thinking things like:
- I need a dress for that cocktail party next month
- I'm a size 7
- Summer will be in full force by then so I need something sleeveless
- I prefer a dress by Liz Claiborne because her things look so good on me.
After asking myself all of these questions, my title would read "NWT Women's Sleeveless Liz Claiborne cocktail dress Sz 7.
" You'll notice I wasted no characters with comma's or any other punctuation.
And, NWT is universal on eBay for "New With Tags.
" Also, notice the word "women's" in the title.
You may think that is implied by the simple fact that the item is a dress, however, many women search for "women's clothes" on eBay, so I just stuffed that extra keyword in there to increase my chances of coming up in the search results.
Once you've made the good first impression and gotten the click, you're half way to making a sale.