How to Save a Screen Saver From the System
- 1). Click "Start" and type "personalization" in the Windows Search box. Press the "Enter" key.
- 2). Click "Screen Saver."
- 3). Click in the down arrow for the Screen saver drop-down menu in the dialog box that opens. Note the name of the screen saver you want to save.
- 1). Click "Start" and type the name of the screen saver you want to save into the Search box. Add ".scr" after the name. For example, if you wanted to save a screen saver called fireworks, you would type "fireworks.scr." Press the "Enter" key. Windows will then search and display the screen saver in the Start menu.
- 2). Right-click the screen-saver name in the Start menu and click "Send to." Then click "Compressed (Zipped) Folder."
- 3). Click "Yes" on the "Send to desktop" dialog. This places the screen saver in a zip file on your desktop. From this point, you can email it, save it to a disc, upload it to a file server or transfer it to another computer.
Determine the Exact Name of the Screen Saver
Save your Screen Saver