America Rejects Socialism - Again!
As a non-Democrat, and a critic of socialism, I was extremely pleased with the Tea Party's victory.
To me this victory meant that America has rejected socialism, that it has no place in our civilization and society, and that we want to get back to what works.
It showed that we are tired of political correctness, and PR campaigns, which hide the truth and reality - and that we as Americans are tired of the spending of our tax dollars needlessly for socialist causes which are politically correct, but make no sense.
In essence I see the tea party as the same group of people that stood up against the king when they passed the Townsend Acts on the colonists which eventually led to them throwing of a bit of tea in the water, and as the tensions grew this is what started the revolution.
This time the tea party took back the most number of seats from the Democrats as Republicans had taken in 72 years.
The revolution was wind without a shot being fired as America rejected socialism and respected capitalism.
And rightfully so I might add, because it is capitalism which is built this great nation, and provided the abundance of everything you see, everywhere you go.
The United States of America is by far the greatest nation ever created in the history of mankind, it didn't get here by accident, it was a planned endeavor, with a mission statement and a roadmap.
You can call that the Constitution if you want, but it's even more than that, it is the ideals of a people who were committed to making it work.
A tremendous amount of blood, sweat, and tears have been poured into this country over the last 200+ years, and it's no time to throw it away on such a regressive scheme as socialism.
Whereas many Democrats like to call themselves progressives, when they take America down the road of socialism, that is regressive, there is nothing progressive about it, because it has never worked in history.
Indeed, I'm not sure why anyone would expect America to go down such a road when we know it ends in dismal failure.
It's unacceptable.
And that my friends I think is what the tea party was trying to show, and the American people agreed and showed their beliefs with votes.
Socialism is out, now it's time to get back to what America does best, what works, and what has brought us this far, it will take us far into the new millennium.
Please consider all this.
To me this victory meant that America has rejected socialism, that it has no place in our civilization and society, and that we want to get back to what works.
It showed that we are tired of political correctness, and PR campaigns, which hide the truth and reality - and that we as Americans are tired of the spending of our tax dollars needlessly for socialist causes which are politically correct, but make no sense.
In essence I see the tea party as the same group of people that stood up against the king when they passed the Townsend Acts on the colonists which eventually led to them throwing of a bit of tea in the water, and as the tensions grew this is what started the revolution.
This time the tea party took back the most number of seats from the Democrats as Republicans had taken in 72 years.
The revolution was wind without a shot being fired as America rejected socialism and respected capitalism.
And rightfully so I might add, because it is capitalism which is built this great nation, and provided the abundance of everything you see, everywhere you go.
The United States of America is by far the greatest nation ever created in the history of mankind, it didn't get here by accident, it was a planned endeavor, with a mission statement and a roadmap.
You can call that the Constitution if you want, but it's even more than that, it is the ideals of a people who were committed to making it work.
A tremendous amount of blood, sweat, and tears have been poured into this country over the last 200+ years, and it's no time to throw it away on such a regressive scheme as socialism.
Whereas many Democrats like to call themselves progressives, when they take America down the road of socialism, that is regressive, there is nothing progressive about it, because it has never worked in history.
Indeed, I'm not sure why anyone would expect America to go down such a road when we know it ends in dismal failure.
It's unacceptable.
And that my friends I think is what the tea party was trying to show, and the American people agreed and showed their beliefs with votes.
Socialism is out, now it's time to get back to what America does best, what works, and what has brought us this far, it will take us far into the new millennium.
Please consider all this.