Being Environmentally Responsible And Seeing Through The Hype
Financially solar power just makes sense. By installing photovoltaic cells on a commercial rooftop you are not as affected by the inflated costs of big energy due to logistics and overhead, expenses that you foot the bill for at the hands of big energy. Besides the financial motivation there are numerous other upsides to solar energy. There is the ethical gratification that comes with harnessing the raw awesome power of the son. It is truly a great feeling to know that your building is using minimal if any coal, oil or nuclear power to run.
There is another huge benefit to solar power: it is a great way to improve your companys image. If your business has ever been called out for any type of polluting or environmentally irresponsible practices, switching to solar polar clearly communicates to the public that your company has turned over a new leaf. Going green is one of the most popular buzz phrases in business right now. You cant go into a work place without hearing someone talking about green energy, green offices, or best green practices. More often at not these attempts at being green are shallow and have little impact towards actually helping the environment. Its a process called green-washing and todays web-savvy and information hungry consumer can see right thought it.
If you want, you can undertake what will surely be a costly public relations campaign to get the press to report on your efforts of recycling paper and turning off the lights at night in hopes of improving your companys environmental image. But if you want to take a direct and active role that consumers cant ignore, install solar panels. Whenever consumers or clients look at your building they will be reassured that they are dealing with an environmentally sound and financially astute partner.
Solar power isnt right for everyone. You need a lot of space and must be willing to allow for enough time to make a return on your investment, but if you have the resources its an opportunity to save money and improve your companys environmental image like no other.