Is it Time to Call it Quits Or Can I Still Repair the Relationship?
Frankly, it could be a difficult decision when it has come down to thinking about quitting a relationship.
If you're faced with this kind of situation, you should definitely consider things before making your final decision.
What is the bone of contention in the relationship? Now, try and see if you can provide answers to the following questions.
Your sincere answers to them will provide clues on what your final decision should be.
Does your partner flare up at the slightest things and do most discussions between you end up in squabbles? 2.
Does the thought of your partner make your heart sick and weary? In essence, do you have the feeling of a looming fight at the thought of your partner's homecoming or visit rather than anticipating it with joy? 3.
Do you wish you never entered into the relationship in the first place and wished you were with someone rather than your partner? 4.
Is there a dent in the respect you have for your partner? Do you still hold him/her in high esteem or has your love for each other completely died out? 5.
Has there been any case of physical abuse and if so, how frequently? 6.
Do you suspect your partner is cheating on you? Have you attempted a peaceful discussion about this issue of infidelity and it ended up in a fight? 7.
Is there a serious communication gap between you? What steps have you taken to bridge this gap? 8.
How is your sexual relationship with your partner? Is it still fun or have things gone so sour that you no longer enjoy sex, but see it as a mere ritual? If your answers to most of the questions above are yes, you need to think deeply, weigh the circumstances appropriately and determine if you can still cope with the relationship or if you want to quit in order of peace and freedom.
However, if you still have hope somewhere in your heart that the relationship can work well again, don't hesitate to seek assistance.
One of the steps you should take is to seek proper counsel and guidance from a relationship expert.
But before you seek counsel, see if you can talk things over with your partner and devise new and better ways to present your issues, no matter how furious you are.
Remember that talking has always been the best way to settle and sort out issues.