Preschool Crafts for Simeon & Anna in the Bible
- Find a template for a turtledove (or pigeon) and re-size it to about 3 inches by four inches. Print out enough turtledoves for the children in the class. Have each child write his or her name on the back and on the front each child will write the scripture verse of John 3:16. When they are finished, each child will have a bookmark for his bible and can remember the story of Simeon and Anna each time he sees it.
- Creating the puzzle is as much fun as putting it together!Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Provide each child with a coloring page with a picture representing the story of Simeon and Anna that has been printed on an eight and a half inch by eleven inch piece of white card stock. The children should color the picture fully. When they are finished coloring, each child will draw about four to six intersecting lines on the front of the picture with black marker. Next, have the children cut along the lines. Now they have now created a puzzle that they can play with and remember the story. - Allow the kids use their imagination when creating their puppets.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Give each child a small white paper lunch sack. Tell them they will each be assigned a character from the story and they will have to create a puppet with their bag. Provide markers, construction paper, glue sticks, and other craft supplies. When the children are finished with their puppets, help them to retell the story using their puppets as actors. - Cut turtledove shapes out of cardboard, one for each child in your class. The doves should be no more than about three or four inches square. Punch a hole through the top of the dove (by a wing). Have children decorate the doves with craft supplies that you provide. When they are finished and their doves are dry, the children can tie a string through the dove and make a necklace for themselves. Be sure to have them write their names on the back.
Dove Bookmark
Paper Bag Puppets
Dove Necklace