Put Your Trust in God
Proverbs 3:5 tells us "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.
" This is probably one of the most difficult instructions to follow.
Just why is it so hard for us to totally trust God and stop trying to figure out things for ourselves? We always try to handle things on our own and leave God totally out of the mix.
If we would just trust in the God who made us, loves us and has the absolute best for us, we would be so much better off.
As human beings, we are always depending on our limited knowledge.
But the Bible tells us clearly not to depend or lean own that finite understanding.
We need to trust in God's infinite knowledge and understanding.
Don't try to figure things out and go your own way.
Instead, put your trust in the One who knows best.
He will never leave you nor forsake you.
He loves you unconditionally.
He is a 24/7, on time, all the time, God, Who cares about everything you do and everything you are going through.
Sometimes it is so hard to trust God.
That is because we limit Him to the way we think.
But Isaiah 55:8-9 tells us that God's thoughts are not like our thoughts nor are His ways like our ways.
He does not operate nor think with limitations.
All things are possible with Him.
(Matthew 19:26) Things that may seem, and quite literally may be impossible for us, but there is nothing that God cannot do.
That is why Solomon with all of his wisdom, told us to "Trust in the Lord with all of our heart.
" He knew that we would not be able to see our way through difficulties, problems, troubles, trials without the direction of our heavenly Father.
He also knew that when we do rely on our own vices, we make things worse and we miss out on so many blessings.
For after Solomon told us to trust the Lord and not lean own what we know, he then told us to be sure and acknowledge God.
Proverbs 3:6 says "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.
" We need to make a conscious effort to tell God that we need Him.
Acknowledge that He is the One who can make things right.
Then the Bible says that He will direct our paths.
If we will trust God, and not ourselves, and acknowledge Him, the HE will give us the guidance we need to help us.
He will help us to see clearly and speak directly to us and lead us in the way we need to go.
So trust Him.
He will never let you down.
" This is probably one of the most difficult instructions to follow.
Just why is it so hard for us to totally trust God and stop trying to figure out things for ourselves? We always try to handle things on our own and leave God totally out of the mix.
If we would just trust in the God who made us, loves us and has the absolute best for us, we would be so much better off.
As human beings, we are always depending on our limited knowledge.
But the Bible tells us clearly not to depend or lean own that finite understanding.
We need to trust in God's infinite knowledge and understanding.
Don't try to figure things out and go your own way.
Instead, put your trust in the One who knows best.
He will never leave you nor forsake you.
He loves you unconditionally.
He is a 24/7, on time, all the time, God, Who cares about everything you do and everything you are going through.
Sometimes it is so hard to trust God.
That is because we limit Him to the way we think.
But Isaiah 55:8-9 tells us that God's thoughts are not like our thoughts nor are His ways like our ways.
He does not operate nor think with limitations.
All things are possible with Him.
(Matthew 19:26) Things that may seem, and quite literally may be impossible for us, but there is nothing that God cannot do.
That is why Solomon with all of his wisdom, told us to "Trust in the Lord with all of our heart.
" He knew that we would not be able to see our way through difficulties, problems, troubles, trials without the direction of our heavenly Father.
He also knew that when we do rely on our own vices, we make things worse and we miss out on so many blessings.
For after Solomon told us to trust the Lord and not lean own what we know, he then told us to be sure and acknowledge God.
Proverbs 3:6 says "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.
" We need to make a conscious effort to tell God that we need Him.
Acknowledge that He is the One who can make things right.
Then the Bible says that He will direct our paths.
If we will trust God, and not ourselves, and acknowledge Him, the HE will give us the guidance we need to help us.
He will help us to see clearly and speak directly to us and lead us in the way we need to go.
So trust Him.
He will never let you down.