Toddler Activities in Honolulu, Hawaii
- A beach, plus a bucket and shovel, equals a happy toddler.Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
The best spot for a beach day with your toddler is the section of beach at the end of Uluniu Avenue, near the Hyatt Regency Waikiki. A break wall forms an almost wave-free shallow pool with a soft, sandy bottom. Your toddler can paddle around in the warm sheltered water, and the beach works well for sand-castle construction as the break wall helps keep your creations safe from a quick demise. It's easy to find someone to play with your toddler since this part of Waikiki is frequented by families. You will always find something to watch, with para-sailors floating over the ocean, and surfers and canoes coming and going. Respect the tropical sun even on a cloudy day, and regularly slather your toddler in sunscreen. Put a hat on your child that will stay on and consider a T-shirt or other sun-proof clothing. Go to the beach early or late in the day to avoid the 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. time frame when the sun is most intense. - Komodo dragons are one of the many exhibits at the Honolulu Zoo.Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images
At the intersection of Kalakaua and Kapahulu Avenues, the Honolulu Zoo, established in 1896, is the only zoo in the United States to have begun with a king's grant of royal lands to the people of the island. It's open most days of the year, and children 3 and under are free when accompanied by an adult. Birds and animals you will see include the Hawaiian Nene, Komodo dragon, Galapagos tortoise, black rhino, African wild dogs and a variety of monkeys. In a special program for toddlers and their parents called Critters and Crafts, you can visit the animals and then create a special animal craft. Check the zoo's calendar of events (see Resources) for times and dates. In a special area of the zoo for younger kids, your toddler can get up close to cows, goats, pigs, llamas and chickens. You can picnic on the zoo grounds or buy food at the snack bar. Stroller rentals are available. - Across from the Kakaako Waterfront Park in downtown Honolulu, the Hawaii Children's Discovery Center has three levels of high-tech, interactive exhibits designed for learning and discovery. The center lets kids use all their senses to get a better understanding of the world around them. TotSpot is for the 5-and-under set to enjoy a stimulating, safe and sensory-filled space. Built in 1998, the center is in the renovated and expanded shell of an old incinerator. It is designed for the keiki o ka aina, or "children of the land" to come and play.
- Jellyfish are a particular hit with the younger set at the Waikiki Aquarium.Jupiterimages/ Images
On the shoreline in Kapi'olani Park, the Waikiki Aquarium is on Kalakauau Avenue, about a 10-minute walk from the Waikiki Zoo. Here, you can easily keep your toddler entertained for an hour or so out of the sun. Opened in 1904, it's the third-oldest aquarium in the United States. The exhibits highlight the aquatic life of Hawaii and the tropical West and South Pacific. The aquarium features Hawaiian monk seals, one of the world's most endangered marine mammals. Toddlers especially enjoy watching the jellyfish as low tanks and viewing windows make the aquarium ideal for toddlers. Look for Hawaii's colorful state fish, the humuhumunukunukuapua`a. Toddlers will also enjoy a small hands-on exhibit outside where they can hold creatures like starfish. Consider walking to the aquarium, as parking is sometimes hard to find.
Waikiki Beach
Honolulu Zoo
Hawaii Children's Discovery Center
Waikiki Aquarium