Get Her Back by Getting Yourself Back
In this article I'm going to give you a few priceless pointers to winning back your ex.
When any relationship comes to an end either one or both people are left feeling terrible.
It's so tempting for that person to lose their passion for life and become an ice cream eating potato couch, with no get up and go and no twinkle in their eye.
How on earth do you expect to win back your ex if this is you? Your girlfriend fell in love with you because you were passionate, had personality and you weren't afraid to get out there and live.
You have to get that back if you want the girl back.
So begin to look after number one.
Firstly it may be a good idea to think about your body and your overall presentation.
I am not talking about instantly looking like Brad Pitt or even losing 50lbs overnight, perhaps let's begin with something like energy.
Get more of it! Do not mope around your house or apartment, instead start a simple exercise routine.
This may be as easy as going cycling three times a week or perhaps you would like to join a gym with a friend, maybe find a trainer and start to get fit and energised.
The natural endorphins this will release into your body will make you feel great and exercise will make you look great.
Just a simple change in your attitude and actions like this will have a dramatic impact on your life and the way you are going to be presented next time you see your ex.
Take a moment to think how effective this could be and how it could even spark off a great conversation or bring back a few good memories for her.