Is Project Payday Win-Win or Will You Lose Big Time?
You go sign up to receive a free bottle of the latest miracle drug.
It's a $49.
95 value, but you will only have to pay a $4.
95 shipping charge.
Then send me your receipt and I'll pay you $20 for your time and effort along with a reminder you should go up and immediately cancel the automatic monthly shipment you may or may not have realized you were signing up for.
Not a bad deal, right? You pay $5 and earn a $15 profit.
I also earned a nice profit because the miracle drug company paid me a solid $40 commission to obtain a new lead.
Pretty much a win-win situation.
Or is it? Is Project Payday a Scam or Real? Project Payday is an online course designed to teach you how to earn commissions promoting various CPA or "cost per action" offers using a highly questionable incentivized approach like the deal I just proposed.
Have you seen any advertising banners that offer you iPods, Cash, or Laptops just to complete a survey? Those are called "Incentivized Freebie Websites" or IFWs and are the heart of Project Payday scam model.
These companies really will give you the freebie after completing a survey or a certain number of affiliate offers, but there is a catch.
Before you qualify to receive the item in question you must either give up your personal information, complete a minimum number of trial offers, agree to a monthly auto shipment, or even recruit a half-dozen of your family and friends to complete the same offer.
Of course, if you really are interested in the product or service - then that's a different situation altogether.
But if I come in and essentially bribe you to complete the offer and then advise you to immediately cancel any further commitment, the company gets cheated.
It may be a win for you because you earned a nice chuck of easy money and it might be a win for me because I earned a nice chuck of easy money, but the company loses big time because they paid a commission for what really amounts to a fake customer.
So the answer to the question: "Is project payday a scam or real?" is pretty clear.
It depends entirely on which side of the fence you sit.