List Building Secrets - Why Article Marketing Should Be Part of Your List Building Game Plan!
Article marketing works well for selling affiliate products and perhaps earning an AdSense income.
But have you ever thought of using article marketing to build a list.
It's such an effective and low-cost method of getting traffic that the results can be scary if you just apply yourself a little and get down to writing some articles with the purpose of list building.
Personally, I have been using article marketing to build a list for over 1 and half years now and in this time and I have accrued over 15,000 subscribers from this system.
And these are highly targeted subscribers that send me money anytime I send out an offer.
So how did I recognize articles as a superb method of growing a list? When I started out, I spent lots of time on traffic generation, literally trying out every traffic generation tactic out there.
The whole works, pay per click, article marketing, forums, press releases etc.
And what I found is that articles give the greatest results, the effects are residual.
The articles that are out there today, will continue driving traffic to me for years and years.
So there is a powerful residual effect there.
The exact process I take is I simply write tons of articles that are related to my business, and then I just submit them to the best article directories around.
I don't submit to hundreds of directories because most of them are duds when it comes to generating traffic.
Instead, I write more articles and submit them to the top directories and I find that generates more overall traffic.
But have you ever thought of using article marketing to build a list.
It's such an effective and low-cost method of getting traffic that the results can be scary if you just apply yourself a little and get down to writing some articles with the purpose of list building.
Personally, I have been using article marketing to build a list for over 1 and half years now and in this time and I have accrued over 15,000 subscribers from this system.
And these are highly targeted subscribers that send me money anytime I send out an offer.
So how did I recognize articles as a superb method of growing a list? When I started out, I spent lots of time on traffic generation, literally trying out every traffic generation tactic out there.
The whole works, pay per click, article marketing, forums, press releases etc.
And what I found is that articles give the greatest results, the effects are residual.
The articles that are out there today, will continue driving traffic to me for years and years.
So there is a powerful residual effect there.
The exact process I take is I simply write tons of articles that are related to my business, and then I just submit them to the best article directories around.
I don't submit to hundreds of directories because most of them are duds when it comes to generating traffic.
Instead, I write more articles and submit them to the top directories and I find that generates more overall traffic.