Benefits of Red Wine For Your Health? (Are You Joking?)
Health benefits of red wine? Are you joking? Amazing how we, human beings, can lie to ourselves just to satisfy our tastes.
And fascinating to what lengths we will go.
Here is one Bible quote that actually encourages the consumption of wine: Ecclesiastes 9:7 Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do.
That's just one, but there are many more.
Thank goodness this is not an article on exegesis or interpretation or apologetics.
I'm just pointing out to what lengths we can go as human beings to create support for the most untenable positions that have to do with our appetites.
So, if the "word of God" says it's OK to consume wine it should come as no surprise when the alcohol lobby and marketing machine extol the virtues of consuming wine and other forms of alcohol in marketing campaigns that by sheer coincidence happen to coincide with the holidays.
Never mind that the levels of fermentation and acidity introduced into your body are primary drivers of disease.
They weaken your immune system, and make you susceptible to a long list of degenerative diseases.
It's fascinating how the alcohol industry always publishes these studies about every one or two years.
Some years ago, just about six weeks before the holidays, the most hilarious report came out.
That's when everyone's preparing, but they don't want to feel guilty about drinking booze.
So they always put this propaganda out there because that's a good purchase time for booze.
So it's the beginning of November, and a study comes out from Denmark that says, "We have done a five-year research study that says: If you drink one scotch a day it's healthy for you; but if you drink two, it's deadly.
" Bless their hearts.
So now we can drink away because some shlock that was willing to be bought at the right price rigged a study that somehow showed their ridiculous conclusion.
What is the organ that is first and foremost destroyed (not the only one but the primary one) by consuming alcohol? That's right, the liver.
And so the twisted logic used by the alcohol industry is that if you only drink a little bit of it, you will not damage your liver, even a little bit.
Oh well.
Let's drink and be merry for tomorrow will be another day-to pay for our sins.
Another idea from the Good Book.
Look, stop being told what to think by the alcohol industry and do some of your own research to discover how alcohol destroys the body and basically pickles your cells.
You will discover that it is deadly.
Pure and simple.
And in the meantime stop consuming all alcohol.
And fascinating to what lengths we will go.
Here is one Bible quote that actually encourages the consumption of wine: Ecclesiastes 9:7 Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do.
That's just one, but there are many more.
Thank goodness this is not an article on exegesis or interpretation or apologetics.
I'm just pointing out to what lengths we can go as human beings to create support for the most untenable positions that have to do with our appetites.
So, if the "word of God" says it's OK to consume wine it should come as no surprise when the alcohol lobby and marketing machine extol the virtues of consuming wine and other forms of alcohol in marketing campaigns that by sheer coincidence happen to coincide with the holidays.
Never mind that the levels of fermentation and acidity introduced into your body are primary drivers of disease.
They weaken your immune system, and make you susceptible to a long list of degenerative diseases.
It's fascinating how the alcohol industry always publishes these studies about every one or two years.
Some years ago, just about six weeks before the holidays, the most hilarious report came out.
That's when everyone's preparing, but they don't want to feel guilty about drinking booze.
So they always put this propaganda out there because that's a good purchase time for booze.
So it's the beginning of November, and a study comes out from Denmark that says, "We have done a five-year research study that says: If you drink one scotch a day it's healthy for you; but if you drink two, it's deadly.
" Bless their hearts.
So now we can drink away because some shlock that was willing to be bought at the right price rigged a study that somehow showed their ridiculous conclusion.
What is the organ that is first and foremost destroyed (not the only one but the primary one) by consuming alcohol? That's right, the liver.
And so the twisted logic used by the alcohol industry is that if you only drink a little bit of it, you will not damage your liver, even a little bit.
Oh well.
Let's drink and be merry for tomorrow will be another day-to pay for our sins.
Another idea from the Good Book.
Look, stop being told what to think by the alcohol industry and do some of your own research to discover how alcohol destroys the body and basically pickles your cells.
You will discover that it is deadly.
Pure and simple.
And in the meantime stop consuming all alcohol.