Are You a Slob? Is That Why Your Girlfriend Dumped You? Want to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back?
Many men get comfortable with their partners and start to get careless with their hygiene.
Then they wonder how they can get their ex girlfriend back.
The only way to get your ex girlfriend back under these circumstances is to make changes and improvements in your appearance and social habits.
When a man stops taking care of his appearance, like shaving regularly, getting a good haircut, regular bathing - it says something negative about the relationship to the woman.
It says to her that you don't care about her anymore and she gets a signal that maybe she should move on.
On another level she just gets plain disgusted with you because you have become a slob.
She sees a long term relationship with you as something she may not be able to tolerate because of your bad habits.
Besides your grooming you need to make sure your home is also a reflection of your good self-esteem.
A sloppy, filthy house is a turn off.
Wouldn't you be turned off if your girlfriend stopped taking care of herself and her home? Maybe you aren't the type to clean your own house.
Maybe you don't even know how to do that.
So .
spring for a housecleaner.
Pay the housekeeper extra and you can get your laundry done in the deal.
Clean clothes and underwear get you one step closer to showing your ex girlfriend you care about your appearance and therefore you care about her.
Once you've made changes in your personal hygiene habits and you've made an effort to make sure your home and even you car are well taken care of then you can start to work on getting your ex girlfriend back.
But first make sure you are committed to continuing these good habits before you contact your ex.
A cute way to get your ex back is to take pictures of yourself and your house in their new clean state.
Send those pictures with a funny card (not trashy - just funny).
This will not only make her laugh but the photos will show her that you cared enough to make a special effort just for her.
Don't rush your ex girlfriend.
Take her out a few times and let her realize that you are committed to making the extra effort to change for good.