Workplace Injuries Accident Claim - Your Rights
Following an accident in the workplace, an injured employee is entitled to make a claim for compensation against their employer, if the employer was responsible.
In the immediate aftermath of the injury, before the injured party has begun making a claim, they should report their accident at work through all the appropriate avenues.
Employers are legally obliged to record many types of accidents on their premises.
You or your employer must also report the accident to the Health and Safety Executive.
In the time following the injury, before a claim has begun, you should record a diary of the circumstances of your accident and recovery.
In the event of making an accident claim, you will be expected to prove everything, particularly costs incurred such as transport to and from medical appointments, so don't through away receipts.
Your diary should include personal details about how your injury is impacting your life so that the injury claim solicitor can fully understand your solicitor.
Many victims of accidents in the workplace feel fearful about making an accident claim against their own employer.
When the time comes to return to work, the potential for victimisation is often a big worry.
Fortunately, there exists much legal protection for those people who have made an accident claim against their employer.
Furthermore, employers are increasingly recognising that in some unfortunate circumstances, an accident claim may be necessary and are insured to cover such situations.