Environmental Tips for Green Bathroom Renovations
Possibly the most often remodeled room in a home is the bathroom. Why? It's because a bathroom in need of repairs or an upgrade can be a real scar on a home and it can also detract greatly from it's value. So now with the new trend in "green living", comes a host of new environmentally safe products to use in home remodels.
Environmentally Sound Bamboo Flooring
One truly amazing new product is flooring material that is made from bamboo. It looks fantastic and installs just the same as any other type of hardwood flooring. Bamboo is fast growing and renewable and can grow without the use of pesticides or fertilizers.
Domestic Exotic Woods for Bathroom Renovations
Before you rush right up to hardwood cabinets, take a close look at cabinets that are made from woods harvested in the US and Canada such as birch, maple and pine. Knotty pine for instance looks fantastic when it is placed in the hands of a skilled decorator and cabinet maker.
Rain Forest Free Exotic Woods
For years, classic hardwoods such as mahogany were sold aggressively. They became clich and homeowners would simply order them without ever taking a good look at other types of wood that were available. Now times have changed and savvy environmental homeowners are rediscovering the beautiful exotic woods that are not harvested from rain forests.
Another Common Bathroom Renovations Product
Another common bathroom renovations product that is popping up on environmentalist radar screens is polished stones such as marble and granite that are commonly used for counter tops. It has finally come to light that they are mined from huge unregulated quarries in foreign locations and cut and polished with sweatshop labor.
New Green Counter Top Products
Tile is making a big comeback as a carbon safe alternative, as are new composite faux stone counter top products. Another clever and beautiful counter top alternative is "polished concrete". When polished concrete is done correctly it looks absolutely stunning
Environmentally Sound Bamboo Flooring
One truly amazing new product is flooring material that is made from bamboo. It looks fantastic and installs just the same as any other type of hardwood flooring. Bamboo is fast growing and renewable and can grow without the use of pesticides or fertilizers.
Domestic Exotic Woods for Bathroom Renovations
Before you rush right up to hardwood cabinets, take a close look at cabinets that are made from woods harvested in the US and Canada such as birch, maple and pine. Knotty pine for instance looks fantastic when it is placed in the hands of a skilled decorator and cabinet maker.
Rain Forest Free Exotic Woods
For years, classic hardwoods such as mahogany were sold aggressively. They became clich and homeowners would simply order them without ever taking a good look at other types of wood that were available. Now times have changed and savvy environmental homeowners are rediscovering the beautiful exotic woods that are not harvested from rain forests.
Another Common Bathroom Renovations Product
Another common bathroom renovations product that is popping up on environmentalist radar screens is polished stones such as marble and granite that are commonly used for counter tops. It has finally come to light that they are mined from huge unregulated quarries in foreign locations and cut and polished with sweatshop labor.
New Green Counter Top Products
Tile is making a big comeback as a carbon safe alternative, as are new composite faux stone counter top products. Another clever and beautiful counter top alternative is "polished concrete". When polished concrete is done correctly it looks absolutely stunning