Energetic Approach to Infertility and Pregnancy
When women have difficulty getting pregnant, there can be one reason or multiple reasons holding them back.
It's not so much about health as it is about fitness.
It's really about making the body, the woman's body, function in a way it should be functioning-in its normal way: A woman's body should have the normal strength, or the normal fitness.
When everything is all fit in the proper way, as far as supporting each other, then the woman's body will just function as it is meant to function.
If a woman chooses to be a mother, then she would have no difficulty with that.
Fitness is about correcting the strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination, agility and speed-correcting the six things to be strong in the body mind and spirit.
We want to energetically correct would-be mothers and all mothers to being strong: strong to have the strength, strong to have the endurance, strong to have the flexibility.
And then we want to improve the coordination, the agility and the speed-so that women would be more agile within themselves.
That way they can have the speed of changes of recovery, plus they are not going to get stuck in one state of body or one state of mind.
If they do get in a state they don't want to be in, it would be easy to change, once they know they have the speed to change things, the flexibility to do so, and the coordination to make that happen.
These are the things that people can be taught how to do.
And the lesson they learn is really about women's intuition or the mother's intuition.
Women pretty much have intuition that is naturally in them.
In a natural way, they can be more intuitive than men can be intuitive.
Women have always been accused of not having logic and having more intuition, but that situation can be energetically balanced so that logic and intuition could be more even with each other.
The would-be mother could intuitively tune into her own body and make it so she has a strong body, and it would be easier for her to give the natural births and not have any mental blockage for that.
So she would be ready to be a mother.
And any blocking emotions could be addressed so that she would be more in balance with what she wants to accomplish as far as her whole pregnancy is concerned.
There should not be any fear about pregnancy, any reservation about it and any struggle about being pregnant or carrying the child.
If the mother's body mind spirit is fit, then it would follow that the mother will have an easier pregnancy.
By Shaolin Kung Fu Grandmaster Dr.
Kam Yuen, DC
It's not so much about health as it is about fitness.
It's really about making the body, the woman's body, function in a way it should be functioning-in its normal way: A woman's body should have the normal strength, or the normal fitness.
When everything is all fit in the proper way, as far as supporting each other, then the woman's body will just function as it is meant to function.
If a woman chooses to be a mother, then she would have no difficulty with that.
Fitness is about correcting the strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination, agility and speed-correcting the six things to be strong in the body mind and spirit.
We want to energetically correct would-be mothers and all mothers to being strong: strong to have the strength, strong to have the endurance, strong to have the flexibility.
And then we want to improve the coordination, the agility and the speed-so that women would be more agile within themselves.
That way they can have the speed of changes of recovery, plus they are not going to get stuck in one state of body or one state of mind.
If they do get in a state they don't want to be in, it would be easy to change, once they know they have the speed to change things, the flexibility to do so, and the coordination to make that happen.
These are the things that people can be taught how to do.
And the lesson they learn is really about women's intuition or the mother's intuition.
Women pretty much have intuition that is naturally in them.
In a natural way, they can be more intuitive than men can be intuitive.
Women have always been accused of not having logic and having more intuition, but that situation can be energetically balanced so that logic and intuition could be more even with each other.
The would-be mother could intuitively tune into her own body and make it so she has a strong body, and it would be easier for her to give the natural births and not have any mental blockage for that.
So she would be ready to be a mother.
And any blocking emotions could be addressed so that she would be more in balance with what she wants to accomplish as far as her whole pregnancy is concerned.
There should not be any fear about pregnancy, any reservation about it and any struggle about being pregnant or carrying the child.
If the mother's body mind spirit is fit, then it would follow that the mother will have an easier pregnancy.
By Shaolin Kung Fu Grandmaster Dr.
Kam Yuen, DC