Solid & Powerful Relationship Advice For Women- Don't Destroy Your Life By Making Any of Th
You may not realize it, but you are probably making some very dangerous mistakes in your relationship right now; and those mistakes are compromising the success and longevity of the relationship. Thus, if you want to keep your man and want to have a successful relationship with him, you should carefully assess whether or not you (like most women) are constantly making these 33 mistakes with men; and if you are, you should do something about it now!
See if you can identify with these dreadful mistakes, and if you can, you must make some DRASTIC changes...
33. Arguing With Him To Make Things Interesting - When you get bored... do you argue with him? Most women do, and men get sick and tired of it. If he is NOT stimulating enough for you, talk to him about it and work through a solution that doesn't leave both of you hurt in the end.
32. Insulting His Family as a Joke - You may not realize it, but laughing about certain things his family does is generally insulting to a guy. It's insulting because he cares about those people. Just like he wouldn't expect you to start making fun of him, he doesn't expect you to make fun of his family either. Even if he laughs alongside you, he is likely considering the fact that you are insulting his family to him, and won't appreciate it.
31. Pretending To Like Things You Actually Hate- If you don't like something, but pretend to, just to show him you care, or prove you have something in common with him etc... the only thing that will result is him thinking you just aren't honest with yourself, and thus aren't honest with him. Guys can tell when you don't like something, and prefer you stand up for yourself, rather than act fake or be something you aren't.
30. Talking About Change Without Action -If you are constantly talking about how you are going to change X thing or Y thing about your life or your-self but never really do; it will irritate a man. He will think that you always want to stay the same and simply don't want to move forward in life. But guess what? He will move forward; away from you!
29. Insulting Your Own Family - We all have things we don't like about our family members, but if that's all you ever say about them, your man won't think too highly of you. He will think that you simply don't like anyone in general if you can't even say one positive thing about your family....which in turn makes him question the point of even being with you, because clearly, you are incapable of seeing the good in anyone you've been around for a long period of time.
28. Obsessing Over Him - He finds it creepy. You keep archives of him and every piece of dirt you can get on him, you do....even without his permission. You snoop through all his stuff, ask him to keep "keep-sake" items always, and are constantly clinging to everything related to him, so much so that you are ignoring other areas of your life. It's not attractive; it's just a guy's worst nightmare.
27. Doing What He Says Half Heartedly-If you take a guy's advice, don't take it half heartedly. He will see that you clearly aren't interested in the thing he suggested, and will find it offensive. He will think that you are simply only doing it to please him then, instead of doing it to improve your own life. Remember that if a guy gives you advice, it's to help YOU, not him (i.e. he doesn't need to be pleased in the end with that specific thing).
26. Doing The Same Mistakes Over and Over Again -He asked you not to do X thing, but you are still doing X thing. 5 times now he has discussed with you WHY he doesn't like it when you do X thing, and now you find him getting upset when you do X thing. So then you apologize and promise never to do it again, only to (you guessed it!), do it again! Guys hate this, and after some time will avoid you, because your actions don't match up with your words.
25. Lying About Things That Matter - A lot of guys are alright with a history, if you have one, as everyone has some history to them. If you have some baggage, guys can handle it too, as long as you move forward from it. HOWEVER, if you lie about your past (especially past relationships), or things that matter in general; and he finds out later otherwise, he will lose trust in you.
24. Telling A Guy You Want Him, While Talking To Many/Other Guys Simultaneously - There is this one guy you really like, you are chasing him, but he isn't budging. He isn't agreeing to date you or anything else. So you start talking to other guys, chatting with them. BUT, the original guy who you STILL like can find this out, and even if he didn't, he would consider this to be two timing. He will think that you don't mean what you say when it comes to personal matters with him, if he notices that you are saying you want him; yet you are seeing other men EMOTIONALLY....because the first guy isn't committing.
23. Disrespecting Yourself - A man knows when you don't respect yourself. Some will accept you as you are because they feel sorry for you, or they want to help you; whereas others accept you that way so that they can control you better. Either way, it's not a turn on even to the men who think they can control you if you don't clearly draw boundaries for yourself or respect yourself.
22. Centralizing Around Your Problems 24/7 - Is your entire life a mess, and the only things that happen to you are bad things? Are you always in trouble somewhere, and seem to centralize around your problems all the time? News flash: it's unattractive and if you can't stand being in it, why do you drag your man into it? He hates it too, and would like to hear something positive come out of your mouth.
21. Displaying Low Self Esteem, Yet Expecting A Guy To Lift You Up - You hate your legs, because they aren't proportionate to your body. You hate your muffin top; you don't like your nose, ears, hair etc... You think you are ugly, unattractive; no one wants you etc... All of these lovely things are told to your partner, and then you EXPECT him to compliment you and boost your self esteem. BUT, even when he does tell you that you are pretty, you turn around and still say the above things anyway. How do you think that makes him feel?
20. Not Getting Your Priorities Straight -You have a bill to pay, but instead you go and decide to buy a new shirt and a pair of pants. Now you're broke, so you go to him asking him to help you. It's a little thing called: getting your priorities straight. If he can see that you clearly don't know what's truly important and are always giving useless things importance, he will think that you are simply immature and don't want to be responsible.
19. Trying To Force Him Into Commitment -You want him to date you... maybe even marry you... so you talk about it ALL THE TIME. You demand reasons as to why he doesn't want to, because you don't understand. But this pushes him away, because he feels like you are simply trying to tell him what to do, and he doesn't want to be locked into anything or forced to do something.
18. Using His Secrets Against Him - He confides in you about something. It may not be a great thing, and may have even been a mistake he made in the past that he is already ashamed of. BUT, you use this as leverage in a fight to tear him down further, but this will make him utterly believe you cannot be trusted.
17. Gossiping About Others All The Time -Your friends, your neighbor, your boss, heck... anyone you can talk about you do. He doesn't want to hear about other people all the time, and he sure doesn't want to learn how judgmental you are of every little thing about people you see. He wants to hear about improvements in your life, how you are doing in general, what's truly exciting. To him, random strangers are not exciting, especially when told from this perspective.
16. Threatening To Harm Yourself - You get into a bad mood; so you start thinking along extremely negative lines, but you throw him into the mix. Suddenly you are telling him how you don't really want to live or how you want to die etc... He will take this seriously, and will not think it is O.K. for you to be using harmful suggestions as a means to get his attention or make him do something for you.
15. Calling Him Names When You Know He's A Good Guy -You are angry because YOU did something wrong or something isn't going your way. More so, he isn't acting how you want him to, because you've probably pushed him away a lot already. So you start name calling, and acting rude. Remember he's a good guy; so he's probably done so very good things for you. He won't take this lightly and will think you don't respect him.
14. Asking The Same Questions Over and Over Again -He isn't doing something you want him to do. Maybe he isn't meeting you, or talking to you for some time... so you want to know why. BUT, he already explained why. Unsatisfied with his answer, as though you consider it to be invalid or a lie, you ask again and again regardless for the reasons and answers. He will think that you simply don't want to understand and after that point will literally stop talking about that subject.
13. Being Annoying Because You Think He's Cute When He's Annoyed -There are some people who find others attractive when they are irritated or mad. If you are one of these, be warned that the other person may not appreciate it as much as you do, because THEY are the ones who have to be in the irritated state, while you do things to entice it. They will find you to be immature and will start disliking you, because you constantly cross boundaries they asked you not to cross.
12. Being Dirty At The Wrong Times - Men, like women, get into moods, especially when it comes to intimacy. Once again, men; like women; aren't always in the mood. BUT if you are, and you are pressing that concern over and over again although he already turned away from that topic; he will think that you don't respect his right to have a decision or care, and that you are utterly selfish. Likewise, if you are being dirty in a moment that he wants you to be proper; he will lose respect for you.
11. Begging Him To Do Things -If you have to get to the point where you have to beg, he'll likely say no, because now he feels like you simply want to be recalcitrant. When you beg a man to do something, you appear to be desperate... and frankly... out of your mind, depending on what you are asking for. When done constantly, he will feel like you are just too needy beyond what he can provide and will withdraw.
10. Doing Things He Hates Regardless of What He Says -If you want to be in his presence and have a man LIKE you, you should understand that this also requires a mutual effort. If he is asking you NOT to do certain things that he hates, but you do them anyway, he is clearly going to feel like you have an "It's all about me" attitude and that you truly don't regard anything he says as being important.
9. Living in the Past All The Time -You had a boyfriend who hurt you, so you continuously talk about it. A year passes, and you are still talking about how hurt you are. He is going to think that you are still not over that ex. This applies to all kinds of things from your past, of course, but generally if you feel hurt by your past and are always using it as an excuse for your behavior in the present, or as a reason to justify your poor choices or bad behavior is not going to sit well with a guy. He wants to see you progress, not sit in the past and whine about how bad it was.
8. Taking His Criticisms Harshly... ESPECIALLY If You Asked For It - Any time you are around someone for a long period, they are going to criticize you. BUT, he is probably doing such because you asked for it, or because he cares about you. However, you, on the other hand, take the criticisms harshly and act as if he is insulting you. This will really make him think that you are emotionally unstable and aren't mature, because you can't even take criticism even if you ask for it.
7. Making Unhealthy Decisions All The Time...Then Complaining About It -You eat a bag of chips, drink a can of pop... then munch on some pizza. NOW, he doesn't mind you eating, even junk food; but what he minds is when you complain about it and when he sees you are not as healthy as you could be. He will find it to be disgusting after a point of time, and will think that you are unhealthy by choice. It is not attractive to anyone when you don't take care of your body.
6. Being Lazy With Your Life - You don't really finish anything you start, and are too lazy to keep things organized or keep your life intact. You expect others to do things for you all the time, but he doesn't want to be your maid. Men get sick and tired of cleaning up after the messes you leave, whether that's with the emotional problems you have, relationships with others, or your personal physical well being.
5. Always Acting As If You Don't Know What to Do - When something goes wrong, your first response is to say "I don't know what to do!"... and then you might ask him to tell you what to do or direct you. BUT, this kind of reaction to things in your life only tells a man that you simply don't want to use any common sense or have to be burdened with the real life issue of having to THINK about and SOLVE your problems for a period of time. He will think that you are always just looking for instant solutions, which are not ideal in reality.
4. Being an Emotional Wreck -You cry a lot, then you are angry, then you are happy. Your emotions are all over the place, and at this rate you really can't control how you are going to react to anything... you just react. Men don't like to always have to deal with EMOTIONS. They know you are capable of logical thought and rational conversation. HOWEVER, if your approach to everything is always with EMOTIONS first, he will get sick and tired of having to deal with you, because he will find the experience to be just plain irrational and crazy depending on the severity of your emotional reactions.
3. Using Him and His Money -Some men will LET you use them, because they like to see you happy in the end, BUT at the same time they are evaluating you as being a user if you repeat this constantly. If you are always asking him to buy you things, give you money; or even if you are asking him for other favors all the time... he will see that you aren't giving any of the things to yourself ever and that you aren't even trying to give yourself those things. He will feel used and eventually will cut it off, because he wants you to stand on your own two feet.
2. Trying To Boss Him Around Or Control What He Should Want -He doesn't want to commit at this point and time in his life. But YOU think he is ready for that and should be doing it now, so you start telling him what he should be doing and start telling him what he should want. He will instantly feel like you are choking him with your bossiness and will run far away from you. He's a human being, not a slave!
1. Telling Him You Love Him and Expecting Him To Return It - So after practically putting him through hell, you expect him to tell you that he loves you when you tell him that you love him. Maybe it's your first time telling him, but either way, you shouldn't expect NOR pressure a man into feeling the EXACT same way about you as you do about him in the EXACT moment that you feel it. When a man wants to say it, he will, and if he feels it, he will say so if he wants to; if he is not saying it, it's probably because you are doing some of the above on a daily, if not weekly basis.
Do Not Miss This At Any Cost-
What you are about to discover is an underground secret about men which will take you INSIDE of a man's heart and mind, to show you how to be EXACTLY what he wants. This GREAT SECRET will allow you to captivate any man, and make him fall MADLY in love with you. This information is so effective that it's almost illegal... so read every word on the next page right now before it's gone- Click Here!
See if you can identify with these dreadful mistakes, and if you can, you must make some DRASTIC changes...
33. Arguing With Him To Make Things Interesting - When you get bored... do you argue with him? Most women do, and men get sick and tired of it. If he is NOT stimulating enough for you, talk to him about it and work through a solution that doesn't leave both of you hurt in the end.
32. Insulting His Family as a Joke - You may not realize it, but laughing about certain things his family does is generally insulting to a guy. It's insulting because he cares about those people. Just like he wouldn't expect you to start making fun of him, he doesn't expect you to make fun of his family either. Even if he laughs alongside you, he is likely considering the fact that you are insulting his family to him, and won't appreciate it.
31. Pretending To Like Things You Actually Hate- If you don't like something, but pretend to, just to show him you care, or prove you have something in common with him etc... the only thing that will result is him thinking you just aren't honest with yourself, and thus aren't honest with him. Guys can tell when you don't like something, and prefer you stand up for yourself, rather than act fake or be something you aren't.
30. Talking About Change Without Action -If you are constantly talking about how you are going to change X thing or Y thing about your life or your-self but never really do; it will irritate a man. He will think that you always want to stay the same and simply don't want to move forward in life. But guess what? He will move forward; away from you!
29. Insulting Your Own Family - We all have things we don't like about our family members, but if that's all you ever say about them, your man won't think too highly of you. He will think that you simply don't like anyone in general if you can't even say one positive thing about your family....which in turn makes him question the point of even being with you, because clearly, you are incapable of seeing the good in anyone you've been around for a long period of time.
28. Obsessing Over Him - He finds it creepy. You keep archives of him and every piece of dirt you can get on him, you do....even without his permission. You snoop through all his stuff, ask him to keep "keep-sake" items always, and are constantly clinging to everything related to him, so much so that you are ignoring other areas of your life. It's not attractive; it's just a guy's worst nightmare.
27. Doing What He Says Half Heartedly-If you take a guy's advice, don't take it half heartedly. He will see that you clearly aren't interested in the thing he suggested, and will find it offensive. He will think that you are simply only doing it to please him then, instead of doing it to improve your own life. Remember that if a guy gives you advice, it's to help YOU, not him (i.e. he doesn't need to be pleased in the end with that specific thing).
26. Doing The Same Mistakes Over and Over Again -He asked you not to do X thing, but you are still doing X thing. 5 times now he has discussed with you WHY he doesn't like it when you do X thing, and now you find him getting upset when you do X thing. So then you apologize and promise never to do it again, only to (you guessed it!), do it again! Guys hate this, and after some time will avoid you, because your actions don't match up with your words.
25. Lying About Things That Matter - A lot of guys are alright with a history, if you have one, as everyone has some history to them. If you have some baggage, guys can handle it too, as long as you move forward from it. HOWEVER, if you lie about your past (especially past relationships), or things that matter in general; and he finds out later otherwise, he will lose trust in you.
24. Telling A Guy You Want Him, While Talking To Many/Other Guys Simultaneously - There is this one guy you really like, you are chasing him, but he isn't budging. He isn't agreeing to date you or anything else. So you start talking to other guys, chatting with them. BUT, the original guy who you STILL like can find this out, and even if he didn't, he would consider this to be two timing. He will think that you don't mean what you say when it comes to personal matters with him, if he notices that you are saying you want him; yet you are seeing other men EMOTIONALLY....because the first guy isn't committing.
23. Disrespecting Yourself - A man knows when you don't respect yourself. Some will accept you as you are because they feel sorry for you, or they want to help you; whereas others accept you that way so that they can control you better. Either way, it's not a turn on even to the men who think they can control you if you don't clearly draw boundaries for yourself or respect yourself.
22. Centralizing Around Your Problems 24/7 - Is your entire life a mess, and the only things that happen to you are bad things? Are you always in trouble somewhere, and seem to centralize around your problems all the time? News flash: it's unattractive and if you can't stand being in it, why do you drag your man into it? He hates it too, and would like to hear something positive come out of your mouth.
21. Displaying Low Self Esteem, Yet Expecting A Guy To Lift You Up - You hate your legs, because they aren't proportionate to your body. You hate your muffin top; you don't like your nose, ears, hair etc... You think you are ugly, unattractive; no one wants you etc... All of these lovely things are told to your partner, and then you EXPECT him to compliment you and boost your self esteem. BUT, even when he does tell you that you are pretty, you turn around and still say the above things anyway. How do you think that makes him feel?
20. Not Getting Your Priorities Straight -You have a bill to pay, but instead you go and decide to buy a new shirt and a pair of pants. Now you're broke, so you go to him asking him to help you. It's a little thing called: getting your priorities straight. If he can see that you clearly don't know what's truly important and are always giving useless things importance, he will think that you are simply immature and don't want to be responsible.
19. Trying To Force Him Into Commitment -You want him to date you... maybe even marry you... so you talk about it ALL THE TIME. You demand reasons as to why he doesn't want to, because you don't understand. But this pushes him away, because he feels like you are simply trying to tell him what to do, and he doesn't want to be locked into anything or forced to do something.
18. Using His Secrets Against Him - He confides in you about something. It may not be a great thing, and may have even been a mistake he made in the past that he is already ashamed of. BUT, you use this as leverage in a fight to tear him down further, but this will make him utterly believe you cannot be trusted.
17. Gossiping About Others All The Time -Your friends, your neighbor, your boss, heck... anyone you can talk about you do. He doesn't want to hear about other people all the time, and he sure doesn't want to learn how judgmental you are of every little thing about people you see. He wants to hear about improvements in your life, how you are doing in general, what's truly exciting. To him, random strangers are not exciting, especially when told from this perspective.
16. Threatening To Harm Yourself - You get into a bad mood; so you start thinking along extremely negative lines, but you throw him into the mix. Suddenly you are telling him how you don't really want to live or how you want to die etc... He will take this seriously, and will not think it is O.K. for you to be using harmful suggestions as a means to get his attention or make him do something for you.
15. Calling Him Names When You Know He's A Good Guy -You are angry because YOU did something wrong or something isn't going your way. More so, he isn't acting how you want him to, because you've probably pushed him away a lot already. So you start name calling, and acting rude. Remember he's a good guy; so he's probably done so very good things for you. He won't take this lightly and will think you don't respect him.
14. Asking The Same Questions Over and Over Again -He isn't doing something you want him to do. Maybe he isn't meeting you, or talking to you for some time... so you want to know why. BUT, he already explained why. Unsatisfied with his answer, as though you consider it to be invalid or a lie, you ask again and again regardless for the reasons and answers. He will think that you simply don't want to understand and after that point will literally stop talking about that subject.
13. Being Annoying Because You Think He's Cute When He's Annoyed -There are some people who find others attractive when they are irritated or mad. If you are one of these, be warned that the other person may not appreciate it as much as you do, because THEY are the ones who have to be in the irritated state, while you do things to entice it. They will find you to be immature and will start disliking you, because you constantly cross boundaries they asked you not to cross.
12. Being Dirty At The Wrong Times - Men, like women, get into moods, especially when it comes to intimacy. Once again, men; like women; aren't always in the mood. BUT if you are, and you are pressing that concern over and over again although he already turned away from that topic; he will think that you don't respect his right to have a decision or care, and that you are utterly selfish. Likewise, if you are being dirty in a moment that he wants you to be proper; he will lose respect for you.
11. Begging Him To Do Things -If you have to get to the point where you have to beg, he'll likely say no, because now he feels like you simply want to be recalcitrant. When you beg a man to do something, you appear to be desperate... and frankly... out of your mind, depending on what you are asking for. When done constantly, he will feel like you are just too needy beyond what he can provide and will withdraw.
10. Doing Things He Hates Regardless of What He Says -If you want to be in his presence and have a man LIKE you, you should understand that this also requires a mutual effort. If he is asking you NOT to do certain things that he hates, but you do them anyway, he is clearly going to feel like you have an "It's all about me" attitude and that you truly don't regard anything he says as being important.
9. Living in the Past All The Time -You had a boyfriend who hurt you, so you continuously talk about it. A year passes, and you are still talking about how hurt you are. He is going to think that you are still not over that ex. This applies to all kinds of things from your past, of course, but generally if you feel hurt by your past and are always using it as an excuse for your behavior in the present, or as a reason to justify your poor choices or bad behavior is not going to sit well with a guy. He wants to see you progress, not sit in the past and whine about how bad it was.
8. Taking His Criticisms Harshly... ESPECIALLY If You Asked For It - Any time you are around someone for a long period, they are going to criticize you. BUT, he is probably doing such because you asked for it, or because he cares about you. However, you, on the other hand, take the criticisms harshly and act as if he is insulting you. This will really make him think that you are emotionally unstable and aren't mature, because you can't even take criticism even if you ask for it.
7. Making Unhealthy Decisions All The Time...Then Complaining About It -You eat a bag of chips, drink a can of pop... then munch on some pizza. NOW, he doesn't mind you eating, even junk food; but what he minds is when you complain about it and when he sees you are not as healthy as you could be. He will find it to be disgusting after a point of time, and will think that you are unhealthy by choice. It is not attractive to anyone when you don't take care of your body.
6. Being Lazy With Your Life - You don't really finish anything you start, and are too lazy to keep things organized or keep your life intact. You expect others to do things for you all the time, but he doesn't want to be your maid. Men get sick and tired of cleaning up after the messes you leave, whether that's with the emotional problems you have, relationships with others, or your personal physical well being.
5. Always Acting As If You Don't Know What to Do - When something goes wrong, your first response is to say "I don't know what to do!"... and then you might ask him to tell you what to do or direct you. BUT, this kind of reaction to things in your life only tells a man that you simply don't want to use any common sense or have to be burdened with the real life issue of having to THINK about and SOLVE your problems for a period of time. He will think that you are always just looking for instant solutions, which are not ideal in reality.
4. Being an Emotional Wreck -You cry a lot, then you are angry, then you are happy. Your emotions are all over the place, and at this rate you really can't control how you are going to react to anything... you just react. Men don't like to always have to deal with EMOTIONS. They know you are capable of logical thought and rational conversation. HOWEVER, if your approach to everything is always with EMOTIONS first, he will get sick and tired of having to deal with you, because he will find the experience to be just plain irrational and crazy depending on the severity of your emotional reactions.
3. Using Him and His Money -Some men will LET you use them, because they like to see you happy in the end, BUT at the same time they are evaluating you as being a user if you repeat this constantly. If you are always asking him to buy you things, give you money; or even if you are asking him for other favors all the time... he will see that you aren't giving any of the things to yourself ever and that you aren't even trying to give yourself those things. He will feel used and eventually will cut it off, because he wants you to stand on your own two feet.
2. Trying To Boss Him Around Or Control What He Should Want -He doesn't want to commit at this point and time in his life. But YOU think he is ready for that and should be doing it now, so you start telling him what he should be doing and start telling him what he should want. He will instantly feel like you are choking him with your bossiness and will run far away from you. He's a human being, not a slave!
1. Telling Him You Love Him and Expecting Him To Return It - So after practically putting him through hell, you expect him to tell you that he loves you when you tell him that you love him. Maybe it's your first time telling him, but either way, you shouldn't expect NOR pressure a man into feeling the EXACT same way about you as you do about him in the EXACT moment that you feel it. When a man wants to say it, he will, and if he feels it, he will say so if he wants to; if he is not saying it, it's probably because you are doing some of the above on a daily, if not weekly basis.
Do Not Miss This At Any Cost-
What you are about to discover is an underground secret about men which will take you INSIDE of a man's heart and mind, to show you how to be EXACTLY what he wants. This GREAT SECRET will allow you to captivate any man, and make him fall MADLY in love with you. This information is so effective that it's almost illegal... so read every word on the next page right now before it's gone- Click Here!