Fun Paper Crafts for Kids
- Use colored paper and glue to make a thoughtful handmade card.Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images
You can do much more with paper than simply drawing a picture on it. Create all different kinds of craft projects with different forms of paper--paper plates, card stock, construction paper and magazine pages. Use the completed crafts to decorate your room or to give as gifts. - Cut several different brightly colored advertisements from magazines. Ads that are made mostly of the same color in different tones work best. Cut the ads into 1/2-inch squares. The squares don't need to be perfect. Glue the squares onto the underside of a paper plate using craft glue to form a picture. This craft project is better for older children because of the amount of time it will take.
- Cut a 4-inch square of poster board. Cut 1-inch squares of different colored construction paper. Cut some of the squares diagonally to make triangles. Play around with different arrangements of the pieces of construction paper to make a quilt square. Glue the pieces down on the poster board square when you find a design you like.
- Trace your hand on different colors of construction paper. Cut the hand prints out. Use craft glue to glue the hand prints down onto another piece of construction paper. Laminate both sides of the construction paper placemat with clear contact paper.
- Fold an 8 1/2-inch by 11-inch sheet of card stock in half to make an 8 1/2-inch by 5 1/2-inch card. Decorate the front of the card with shapes cut from different colors of construction paper, markers, ribbon, buttons and other embellishments. Create a cake, balloons or a cupcake for the front of a birthday card. Create a Christmas tree for the front of a Christmas card. Make a bouquet of flowers for the front of a Mother's Day card.
- Take a 12-inch by 12-inch piece of scrapbook paper in a design that you would like your paper snake to have. Flip the piece of paper upside down and draw a snake shape on the back of the scrapbook paper. Make the snake with lots of winding curves. Cut the snake shape out. Pinch the edges of the snake up, with decorative side of the paper still facing down, to give the snake dimension. Flip the snake over. Draw eyes on the head of your snake, or use dark colored rhinestones or half pearls to give your snake eyes.
Magazine Mosaic
Quilt Squares
Homemade Cards
Paper Snake