How to Replant Lilies
- 1). Dig around the bulbs with a garden fork to loosen the soil. Lift the clusters of lily bulbs out of the soil.
- 2). Spray the bulbs with water from a garden hose, rinsing off the soil. Cut back the stem to within 1 to 2 inches of the bulb.
- 3). Break apart attached bulbs. Save plump, healthy bulbs for replanting and discard damaged or soft, rotting bulbs.
- 4). Plant the bulbs, pointed side up, in a full sun bed that drains well. Set full-size bulbs with the top 6 inches beneath the soil surface. Sow the smaller new bulbs, typically half the size of a mature bulb, 2 inches deep.
- 5). Water the bed after replanting the bulbs. Cover the bed with a 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch to help provide soil insulation over the winter months.