How to Monoprint With Freezer Paper
- 1). Cut the paper you want to print on to the desired size. Use a ruler and utility knife to make your cuts as even as possible.
- 2). Squeeze several teaspoons of acrylic paint into a shallow plastic container and use a spoon to mix in a teaspoon of glycerin. Repeat this step for each color you want to print, using a different plastic container for each shade.
- 3). Cut a piece of freezer paper with sides that measure at least 1 inch smaller than your printing paper. Once you tear a piece of paper off the roll, use a ruler and utility knife to make even cuts.
- 4). Tape the freezer paper to your work surface with the waxy side facing upward.
- 5). Create your design. You can apply the paint to the freezer paper with a variety of paintbrushes and sponges.
- 6). Add texture with wood grain tools, pick combs or rubber stamps.
- 7). Use resists to keep your design from printing in certain spots. Cut shapes or stencils from card stock and arrange them on top of your design.
- 8). Place the printing paper on top of the freezer paper monoprint plate before the paint dries.
- 9). Gently press on the paper to transfer your design and slowly pick it up.
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Allow the print to dry. - 11
Print multiple layers onto your paper to create rich, textured monoprints. Use the method described above to design and print each layer.