Banner Advertising in Niche Markets - 2 Ways to Get Your Ads on Sites That Will Give You Traffic
In this article I want to show you 2 easy ways to get your ads on the sites in your niche so you can get a massive amount of traffic.
Step #1 - Find sites in the search engines that offer to sell advertising space.
One of the things that you will find in niche markets is the fact that a lot of the people who are looking to sell advertising are not good at telling the market that they are looking to sell ad space.
So what you have to do is dig through the search engines and find sites that are in your niche and see if they are willing to sell advertising.
If you look hard enough you will probably find a lot of sites that you can get your ads on for cheap because they have no idea how to get other sites to advertise with them.
Step #2 - Try and advertise on sites that are running Google AdSense ads.
You have to realize that if a site in your niche market is running Google AdSense ads, there is a good chance they will be open to you buying ad spots on their site as well.
The fact that they are running AdSense ads means they are looking to monetize their site and make money from contextual advertising.