Guarded Secrets For A Profitable Start In Network Marketing
It's important that they do so because without a quick result, paranoia will take over and they will quit before giving it a fair shot.
People need instant gratification these days, and a mere $20 profit can be the difference between someone sticking it our or quitting.
Hopefully every person you have signed up into your business has already had experience with the product or service you represent.
Do yourself a favor and stop placing ads and distributing flyers that say "Work From Home.
" Most people who join for the sole purpose of making money will eventually quit.
In order to be successful in Network Marketing you need to build a skill set while helping people, and it takes time.
Before you even say goodbye to a person after you have enrolled them, you must inform them of what is going to be happening in the next 24 hours.
Surely you have your 24 hours planned out, so you should also make sure they have theirs planned out as well.
When you begin a new job, your boss doesn't just tell you to sit at a desk and wait.
He or she walks you through the company to familiarize you with your surroundings.
The same concept applies to you and your new distributor.
Make sure your prospects have a clear understanding of the basics of how your business works.
Never assume everyone knows the same concepts as you know even though they may seem as simple as ABC.
Quickly walk them through a quickstart package and make sure they have all the necessary equipment to plug into your system.
You should have this set up ahead of time so you are taking no more than five minutes to give them all the necessary information.
Start by giving them one action to get the ball rolling.
Just one.
You don't want to overwhelm them with too much information or too many options.
Maybe it's a simple task like going to a training call at a certain time of the day.
If part of your plan of action is to memorize a script, perhaps their first task is to practice with a buddy so they can immediately begin to build a skill set.
Whatever the task may be, make sure it is a step toward making a profit.
Do not tell them to make a list of people they know and then proceed to do 3-way calling with them.
This does nothing but position yourself as the leader for their business and you don't want that.
You want them to be their own leaders of their own businesses.
Remember, they are independent distributors, not dependent distributors.
Not only that, but their Uncle Fred probably isn't part of their target audience anyway.
It's much better to purchase cheap leads of people who have used a similar product in the past than to alienate friends and family by putting them on the spot.
Too many distributors fall into the trap of spending lots of money investing in product inventory or expensive lead systems before they even have a skill set.
It's more important to master the telephone and get to understanding the basic principles of marketing before they spend any more money.
Remember, they're in business to make money.
Recommending that a person get themselves into debt isn't the best way to begin a long and prosperous business relationship.
After you have given them time to do their first task, follow-up with a phone call to see how they are doing.
Until they are comfortable doing the work and being accountable for their actions, you should make the effort to keep in communication with them.
Ultimately it is in their best interest to get the work done, but you want to help them make a profit rather quickly to show them it can be done.
After they have reached their first goal, give them another task to accomplish.
Make it a little more complex than the first task so they can get comfortable stretching beyond their ability.
These should be small steps in the direction of earning a profit.
Asking them to jump too far beyond their comfort zone could turn them off, so always ask them if it is a problem before making them commit to the task.
The most important part of Network Marketing and owning a home-based business is making sure you and your distributors are getting proper marketing education.
You probably won't find this offered to you by your parent company, so you must look elsewhere.
Knowing how to guide my new distributors toward a profitable start in just one of the many techniques I learned to help explode my business.
All it takes is a willingness to learn and think outside of the box.