How to Seduce a Woman - Why She NEEDS to Feel Sexual Tension From YOU
Whenever I hear from men that are struggling to see any kind of success when it comes to attracting or seducing a woman, I can pretty much pinpoint it down to a lack of sexual tension being created.
Truth is, there is a song and dance to the human mating thing, and that is really what seduction is all about.
It's about learning how to play the game right, so that you make her feel the emotions that she needs to feel so that she is sexually attracted to you.
Now, you might be looking for some magic bullet technique or advice on how to seduce a woman, and you will get that.
But none of that matters until you realize that seducing a woman is all about provoking the right emotions and sexual triggers in a woman.
Here's why a woman needs to feel sexual tension from you: Most decent looking women will get hit on by at least one guy everyday of their lives.
As long as they look okay (they don't even have to be hot), they will get plenty of compliments and sexy stares from guys.
They will get offers of gifts, and they will get attention whenever they need a "boost" of confidence.
So, if you only concentrate on complimenting a woman, then all you are going to get is the normal reaction from her.
She might flirt back a little and even smile your way, but she is not going to want to go to bed with you.
To make a woman feel that way, you have to create sexual tension with her.
It's the one thing that will separate YOU from all of the other average guys out there.
Let's be real.
Most guys are just too polite and try too hard to live up to that whole image of being a woman's knight in shining armor.
They don't do anything at all to tease a woman, to be playful with her, and to make her feel like she wants to have their approval.
They don't see themselves as being the prize to a woman, they see the woman as always being the prize.
You have to reverse that train of thought and start thinking of YOURSELF as being the prize.
Just that little shift in how you think and how you behave will make a world of difference.
That is how you will be able to seduce a woman, even when she seems like she is "hard to get.
Truth is, there is a song and dance to the human mating thing, and that is really what seduction is all about.
It's about learning how to play the game right, so that you make her feel the emotions that she needs to feel so that she is sexually attracted to you.
Now, you might be looking for some magic bullet technique or advice on how to seduce a woman, and you will get that.
But none of that matters until you realize that seducing a woman is all about provoking the right emotions and sexual triggers in a woman.
Here's why a woman needs to feel sexual tension from you: Most decent looking women will get hit on by at least one guy everyday of their lives.
As long as they look okay (they don't even have to be hot), they will get plenty of compliments and sexy stares from guys.
They will get offers of gifts, and they will get attention whenever they need a "boost" of confidence.
So, if you only concentrate on complimenting a woman, then all you are going to get is the normal reaction from her.
She might flirt back a little and even smile your way, but she is not going to want to go to bed with you.
To make a woman feel that way, you have to create sexual tension with her.
It's the one thing that will separate YOU from all of the other average guys out there.
Let's be real.
Most guys are just too polite and try too hard to live up to that whole image of being a woman's knight in shining armor.
They don't do anything at all to tease a woman, to be playful with her, and to make her feel like she wants to have their approval.
They don't see themselves as being the prize to a woman, they see the woman as always being the prize.
You have to reverse that train of thought and start thinking of YOURSELF as being the prize.
Just that little shift in how you think and how you behave will make a world of difference.
That is how you will be able to seduce a woman, even when she seems like she is "hard to get.