Love Backpacking? Don"t We All!
Those unknown streets, those narrow alleys, or the mighty mountains, the lingering fragrance of fern and pine trees, it is an indescribable feeling.
Only the backpackers will understand the joy of being on the road and only they can understand the happiness in leaving behind the hustle and bustle of everyday existence and packing the bare necessities and setting out for an unknown destination.
As for these backpackers, these trekkers, these hitchhikers the only people are the mad ones-the ones who are according to Jack Kerouac "mad to live.
" While backpacking in Europe, there are definite things you must carry in your backpacking bag.
The important documents like passports, travel documents, visas, money, credit cards etc should be safely kept inside a plastic folder, so that come rain or hail or snow they are safe.
Those documents give you your identity so they must be safe and sound.
Backpacking in Europe is a thrilling experience for sure but without the essential elements in your precious backpacking bag, it can be quite fatal! Firstly, your backpacking bag should be a light, yet sturdy one.
Buy one with discretion, so that it suits your body weight and body shape.
It should be spacious enough to carry whatever you need and it should definitely be waterproof.
While packing your backpacking bag, be smart.
Keep the heavier things at the bottom and fill it up with lighter articles.
You should have a proper list of essentials and be sure to put everything meticulously in that backpacking bag.
Don't carry too many clothes as you will easily get tired.
Be sure to carry a pair of chunky mountain shoes or sneakers and a raincoat.
Carry shorts and jeans and not more than four t-shirts.
While you revel in the astonishing beauty of Europe, you surely don't want to get tired! Don't forget to pack clean underwear! Carry important essentials like the toothbrush, a torch, a five-in-one pocket knife, ropes (if you are mountaineer), your iPod, one book (do NOT carry more, you can easily exchange with your fellow backpackers), plates (two), forks and spoons (preferably strong ones made of plastic).
Definitely pack your sunscreen and insect repellent cream, so that while camping out, those killer mosquitoes can be avoided.
Also, do not forget to carry your soaps and shampoos.
The best time to go backpacking in Europe is during the month of June, July or August.
You should definitely plan your backpacking trip to Europe.
Decide for how long you plan to backpack in Europe, accordingly fix up your budget.
Also know and be sure of the countries you really want to go backpacking in.
Do this, so that you can acquire the suitable Euro Rail pass.
Staying at the youth hostels is an inexpensive option and is definitely the ideal option for backpackers.
While backpacking in Europe, be ready for wonderful adventures, be ready to explore to the maximum, be ready to meet exciting new people as mad as you are and if you plan it properly, it is surely going to be a life-changing experience!