Get Your Ex to Start Talking to You Again
It hurts to have the memory of such closeness and intimacy replaced by constant ignoring and silence from your ex, it leaves you wondering what you've done wrong and makes you anxious to fix it.
When your ex constantly ignores you or avoids your calls or questions, it should be obvious they need time and space.
If you try to push them against their will or back them into a corner, they will quickly become annoyed and you may never get your ex to start talking to you again.
Often, elements of the "No-Contact" rule will come in handy here.
It reminds you of the principles of attraction and how you can't draw anything to you if you are actively pursuing it.
While you are waiting to finally get your ex to start talking to you again, you should take this time to learn a new hobby or sport, or join a club, anything to redirect your energy into something that you can control or change rather than your ex who has to have the time and space to make up his or her own mind.
Another way to keep your focus from your ex so they can slowly open up to you is to remain present, but only at a distance.
Let them know that you are there, but not available.
Answer an occasional email after a few weeks, but don't indulge your need to have long, drawn out conversations.
This will give your ex the security and the confidence to open up to you when they are ready.
When you are trying to get your ex to start talking to you again, you may need to fit as many activities into your day as possible for a while.
Try volunteering for the less fortunate, to help you deal with your own problems by coming face-to-face with other people with even greater problems.
You could also spend more time with family and friends.
By not always being there and by not bugging your ex, you make them miss you and all the wonderful things they love about you.
By making them wonder about you and what you're doing, you will finally be able to get your ex to let down the defenses and let you in; you will finally get your ex to start talking to you again by not pressuring them and waiting until they are ready.