Signs of Abusive and Toxic Relationships You Should Watch
(2) While your partner says they love you, their actions don't back it up. (4) Your partner tries to make you dependent on them. (5) Your partner makes you feel unattractive or stupid that you have changed things about yourself to please them.
It's not a good feeling being around with toxic people. So many wonder why would you choose to stay in a toxic relationship? Why would you still believe that there is a hope in a relationship with an abusive boyfriend?
First stage, the honeymoon period, then tensions build up... blow up, then agree for a recon and then over again. One has to put an end to it, if not, bad things will happen over and over again that makes it more difficult to get out.
Many people who stay in toxic relationships grew up in toxic homes. Tendency is that they repeat the patterns of their childhood without even realizing they're doing it. Oftentimes, they just don't know what to do to get out of the toxic relationship.
What they must realize is they do have choice, so they can get out and stay out of toxic relationships. Low self-esteem, depression and desperation are the tendencies for people who stay in such relationship. They do need something to encourage them to stand up and get their life back. They must realize that it's not their fault and they have a choice to walk away and live a better life.
To get out and redefine these terrible relationships, some people attend therapy sessions, with people who are experiencing the same. They share their experiences with one another, and together there comes a realization. a choice to put an end to the toxic relationship and move on, find more healthier bond.
On the other hand, some were able to patch the things up and stay in the relationship. It's true that most relationships can be saved, it takes a little space though, and an ample time to heal. To be able to renew the bonds in a healthy way, both should make an effort. Both must decide, do they want to renew what they have and improve it or walk away.
You need to liberate yourself from dependency and sincerely discuss what you need to the other. However if the other failed to respond, you must be prepared to walk away and live a better life.
A relationship must be a two way street, if not, it's nothing but a toxic relationship. We need companion to inspire us to go on with our lives. However, if the companion is requiring you to sell yourself short, letting him disrespect you, it's not worth the try lowering your standards of what love is supposed to be. You have the strength, and that strength if put into your hands, you can certainly end the vicious cycle of a toxic relationship.
There are ways to heal, move away and get over toxic relationships, if you really want to.