Get Ex Boyfriend Back
If you are a woman who has lost the love of your life because of various reasons and are wondering how to get your ex-boyfriend back then read on.
Kahlil Gibran once commented; "Our worst fault is our preoccupation with the faults of others.
" The tendency to point out to people what they aren't, haven't been or never will become is easy and only too convenient because you don't have to feel the need to be sensitive to the feelings of others.
Will Rogers timeless words still echo in my mind when he said, "There is nothing as easy as denouncing.
It don't take much to see that something is wrong, but it does take some eyesight to see what will put it right again.
" Criticism is a futile and destructive process.
It forces people to be defensive and usually causes them to make attempts at justifying their volatile, thoughtless and inconsiderate actions.
My neighbor Shelly came to me in tears and asked me "how can I get my ex boyfriend back?" I told her that insensitivity and thoughtlessness reduces people's sense of importance and brings about resentment to your home.
Start thinking what you can do for him rather than throwing around accusations.
Shelly could not stop finding faults about her boyfriend and she needed to stop and take a good look in the mirror to point out her own faults first.
We are human and are all subject to weaknesses and shortfalls.
Begin with your self first before thinking about how to change or control someone you really care about.
It has been said that most of us find it difficult to accept the imperfections in others that we possess ourselves.
It is not fair to point out the negative qualities of others when we ourselves have trouble overcoming our own.
I told Shelly that is she truly wants to get her ex boyfriend back then she should first attempt to improve her own self image that way she will have a greater degree of tolerance in regards to the short coming or faults of others